~14~Pika Pika ball

487 22 12

I unlocked the door and everyone flooded in my house. we all set our bags down and sat at the couches. I looked up to the clock realizing my parents would be home in an hour. we had plenty of time!

"alright! listen up!" I yelled getting everyone's attention standing up In front of them. "my parents will be home in a around an hour. we gotta have fun while we can! what was that game you chose Sero? well whatever it is we can started it in a moment. who's ready to party?!" I yelped they were all pumped up and I went to go get some treats in the kitchen. I came back out and set them out at the coffee table. I took a seat beside Kirishima and Jiro and looked over at sero.

"so.. what shall the game be?" I asked with a nervous smile on my face. he snickered and looked at all of us.

"well the game, you ask? " he said getting ready to stand for the "big reveal." "truth or dare!" he said spreading his arms wide. I face palmed and looked down to the floor.

"fine fine. who goes first?" I asked as he began to scan the room. he stopped at.. "Jiro. truth or dare?"

"ugh come on. truth I guess." she shrugged.

"hm.. do you have a crush on anyone in UA?" sero asked. with a dumb grin as if he was waiting to hear something. like he knew what she would say.

"nope. not my type." she calmly stated looking him dead in the eyes. she had no hesitation in her voice or no blush or anything to tell if she was blushing. it sounded like the truth.

"alright. my turn..." she looked around the room for someone. "ah! Kirishima.. truth or dare." I think we all knew what he chose.

"dare! hit me bro!" he replied

"I dare you.. to.. take some of those candies and ketchup and eat them together." she dared him with a huge grin on her face and crossed her arms. he groaned but did as he was told he grabbed the gummies and I got him the ketchup. he tossed the candies in his mouth and then squirted in the ketchup. we were all laughing as he was trying not to spit it everywhere.

"bleh.. that was so gross." he complained sitting back beside me. I wouldn't blame him. I patted him on the shoulder. he shot me a evil grin.

"truth or dare?" he asked looking back at me.

"uhmm dare..." I sighed. I wouldn't be able to handle the same thing he did. no way.

"go... hug.." he scanned the room. "sero." I looked over at him shocked. I hesitaintly walked over. I wasn't much of a hugger.

"why Sero exactly..?" I asked after I let him go.

"hmm.. oh I don't know I just chose someone. your turn F/N." he said ti me as I sat down again. I saw Mina and Jiro whispering something.

"ok. Denki. truth or dare?" I asked looking over at the boy. he was playing with his spiky hair.


Denki POV

"Ok. Denki, truth or dare?" F/N asked me. I was a little shocked by this. I started to play with my hair not knowing what to do. I looked up at F/N into her beautiful E/C eyes. full of excitement and laughter. I snapped back into reality and answered her.

"truth I guess. why not?" I calmly said sounding smooth. sero was nudging me and whispering 'you to scared for a dare.?'

"Denki... do you like Anyone?"

A/N; OOOFFF!! time to work soon! bYYEE!

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