~13~ pika pika mall

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we all stepped into the mall looking at all the bright lights and store titles. im not exactly sure why but the first store we went to was Walmart. everyone was having a great time making puns as we shopped and we all glared at the makeup section. after that we went to a couple of stores. some "female" and some "male" ones. we all bought a couple of things and decided we were going to go eat. I swear keeping track of Denki and sero was like babysitting twins. in other words hard. we all decided what we wanted and got into our lines. me and kiri were waiting in line together.

"hey F/N what are you getting?" he asked turning to face me. he always had a huge grin on that face of his I swear. even when he was younger. always a grin.

"ermm.. a creamsical. I guess." I wasn't overly hungry so a just wanted a treat. he nagged at me that it wasn't a meal but I just shrugged him off as usual. he knew I was just messing with him. I looked at the food court full of people eating and talking. almost al with brightly colored full bags of items. I saw Mina and Jiro in the starbucks line. where did Denki and Sero go-

"hey F/N!" Denki said coming up from behind me. I jumped and yelped a little. "haha! did I scare you?~" he chimed. of course I had a smart come back. I read up on these on the internet and its finally time to use em. I tapped him on the shoulder and he stopped laugh and looked at me."well your face sure did." I stated standing up boldly with a little grin on my face. he pretended to faint with his hand on his chest and fall into Sero's arms.

"I am hurted!" he exclaimed and the guy behind us in line looked at us like we had no heads. he stood back up and came to stand with us giggling quietly. eventually we got at the front and ordered. we all finally got our food and started to head off to the park. again we chatted the whole way over and I ate my ice cream pop thingy. everyone else saved there food but I couldn't for obvious reasons. we were once more making jokes and puns we finally got to the park at super time. there was no one around either which was great. it was a really nice day with only a small breeze. we all sat down on the grass and got out our food. Mina had a dragon fruit chill, Jiro had a simple white bean latte both with sandwich's, sero had a huge pretzel, Denki had fries and Kirishima with a cheese burger meal thingy. we all talked over the food.

"hey F/N." Denki called me. "did you eat?" he asked me I nodded my head.

"yeah I did! I had a ice pop thingy. im not that hungry im fine!" I exclaimed. but he gave my the face of refusal until I ate something. I turned my head as my stomach growled. "ok ok fine." I said as ia grabbed a fry. "wow. not half bad."

"well duh! there awesome!" Denki and sero gasped. he let me have the rest of his since he was done. another nice thing he did for me. I need to do something in return..

"you need to try this drink F/N! I think you'll like it!" Mina yelped as she shoved a drink in my face. I had never had starbucks before so I didnt know what to expect. I took the drink and took a sip. I was shocked! it was so sweet but sour and cool.

"wow. it was like a party in my mouth for five seconds!" I said as everyone started to giggle. " I never had it before. so. I mean its pretty good." I took another sip and handed it back.

"alright! Kamanari , sero! race to the trash over there! bring your garbage. who ever gets there first decides the game we play tonight." Kirishima yelled as he stood up hands full. the other guys did as well. I sat back and waited for the laughter to kick in. they all started running bumping into eachother trying to make them fall. I looked at Denki I swear I saw him like in a slow mo. his golden hair blowing around in the wind with a huge grin on his face. a little blush on his cheeks from running. I felt my heart pick up speed. and everything went back to normal.

"AW YEAH! I WON!" Sero yelped as he danced around Denki and kiri. they walked back over to us and sat down. we all started to talk about what we bought. I got a sweater, manga and a few blue butler things. I had to get something from the show. the rest got some clothes accessories or just random fun junk. we were laughing and talking for a while and the sun was going down so we watched it for a little. I sat next to Denki and Mina until I realized it was getting late. we gathered up our things and walked back to my place.

A/N; and I OOP! were getting there boys!! I love this story so far! yay me!

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