Fall of Berk

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The yells and screams of pain was what woke Stoick and Astrid from their slumber. This was a day that Stoick had been dreading for years. The one that he has already had to live through and will have to live through again...the fall of Berk.

Stoick rushed from his cabin to see many Berkians slaughtered upon the village grounds. Astrid rushed to her Chief's side, "CHIEF! WE NEED TO GO WE CANNOT WIN!"

Stoick took a deep breath knowing that this was fate, "Aye get to the boats gather as many Berkians as you can on your way lass." As she was about to turn an ungodly sound met their ears, a sound that did not appear the first time Stoick had to live through this nightmare, the sound of a Nightfury.

A shadow launched over the top of Stoick and moved like lightning between the Outcasts fighting with a fire sword killing Outcasts and Traitors as they rose from the dirt. Stoick and Astrid watched the shadow warrior in awe as he moved like the wind through the battle zone. He was the legend they had heard about...The Dragon Master.

A loud voice boomed over the battle cries, "IN THE NAME OF ODIN GET TO YOUR SHIPS!" It was the Dragon Master yelling to them to get to safety. Astrid and Stoick didn't need telling twice and they both began running to the docks.

"AH COME ON YAH YELLOW BELLIED RATS!" yelled Gobber as he ran towards the traitors with his axe hand attached and already dripping with enemy blood. Stoick wanted to go after him and tell him to run away. But he knew he could not. Stoick finally got to the boats and turned to speak to Astrid only to find she was not there.

"ASTRID!!" yelled Stoick loudly, "ASTRID!!"

Fishlegs boarded looking worn down, "She was fighting...Snotlout." Then Fishlegs collapsed onto the deck where Berkians began tending to his wounds. Stoick was about to leave the ship when his brother stopped him, "There's no chance you're going back out there Chief. My son caused this...I'm going." Spitelout jumped from the ship and headed off into battle searching for his son and Astrid. 

Astrid was cornered by Snotlout and Alvin the Treacherous. They both looked at her with longing eyes but she would rather die than be molested by those brutes. She tightened her grip on her axe and swung at Snotlout. Snotlout laughed and knocked her axe from her hand with his shield and pulled out a dagger.

"You said you'd never be mine Astrid...now you have no choice," said Snotlout as he pushed Astrid against the wooden cabin behind her. She closed her eyes as she felt the dagger cutting at the straps of her clothing. Then it stopped. She could feel her clothing were still on so she opened her eyes to see a large shadowy figure standing between her and them.

"You will leave now with your lives or you will die," snarled the stranger. Snotlout laughed, "I am the conqueror I will not bow to any man!" The stranger laughed a low and frightening laugh, "Then my friend is going to have to deal with you then."

"Friend?" questioned Alvin with a note of fear in his voice.

A low growl emanated from the stranger, but what was weirder was when something growled back at him from the darkness. Then from the darkness behind them all a black dragon appeared covered in blue flames roaring loudly.

"I'd like to introduce you to my friend Toothless...the Nightfury," said the mystery man with a dark chuckle to his voice. "You better start running before I tell him to eat you whole," said the stranger in a deadly voice.

Alvin laughed, "I don't run from anything." He turned to the Nightfury and charged only for the Nightfury to smack him with his tail and let out another loud roar of anger. Snotlout ran away from the Dragon Master and the Nightfury in fear leaving Astrid alone with them both and an unconscious Alvin the Treacherous.

"Thank you," said Astrid with a low bow to the Dragon Master. "Don't thank me until I get you all off this island," says the Dragon Master through his dragon like helmet. He pulled out his sword and ignited the blade as he got onto the back of his dragon. He held out his hand for Astrid.

"Get on the dragon or you can walk through the battlefield and die," said the Dragon Master with no hesitation. She looked out at all the battling vikings and back to the Dragon Master, "Oh I am so gonna die." She took his hand and allowed herself to be pulled onto the back of the Nightfury. "You may want to hold on," suggested the Dragon Master, "He tends to move fast and I am sure you don't want to drop from the skies." Astrid nodded and placed her arms around his waist holding on tightly.

The dragon shot into the air making Astrid scream it swooped down and blasted one of the enemy ships into oblivion. Astrid closed her eyes tightly listening to the Dragon Master yell out orders to his Nightfury and the blasts of fire and explosion. She could hear the screams of Outcasts burning alive and could smell their charring flesh. She almost wanted to be sick at the thought. But soon she felt the dragon touch back down on the ground below and she dared to open her eyes. The Dragon Master turned around to look at her over his shoulder, "Onto that ship and head north, keep sailing and don't turn back."

Astrid nodded before jumping off of the dragon landing next to the docks. She could see many Outcasts and Traitors heading their way. "What about them?" she asked with a trickle of fear in her voice. "I'll hold them off you get onto that ship and go!" responded the Dragon Master.

"But-" began Astrid.

"FOR THE LOVE OF THOR! ASTRID GET ONTO THAT SHIP NOW!" yelled the Dragon Master as he ignited his sword and began attacking the Outcasts that were attempting to get onto the docks. Him and his dragon were holding off all of their forces together. Astrid lingered for a moment before clambering onto the ship. Once she was on board Stoick pulled her into his arms, "Thank Odin you're alive!"

The sound of the Nightfury roaring met their ears and everyone on deck glanced to each other with fear in their hearts. "ALRIGHT LET'S GO!" roared Stoick to the men and women on the deck. Everyone began moving around and soon the sails dropped and they began their departure from Berk. Astrid looked out at the island and could see more and more dragons surrounding it burning the buildings to ash. The Dragon Master was burning Berk to the ground so that the Outcasts and the Traitors could not claim it, yet that only meant that they could not return home. The sounds of dragons roaring and the screams of people burning would haunt Astrid and the rest of the Berkians for years to come. This was however something that Stoick had experienced before, but in that other time it was much worse and there was not as many survivors...this time it was different...this time his son came back for them.

This may have been the fall of Berk but it was the rise of the Dragon Master!

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