Thirty Six

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Darien was comfy in Seth's lap, appropriately making out in an old roller coaster cart. It was that cliché movie stuff; the usual hands-in-hair, gripping onto clothes, inching closer and closer by the second kind of make out. It was so perfect, it was almost disgusting.

"You know," Seth said, pulling away. "I should have known you were lying when you said you were taking me to the house of mirrors."

"I didn't lie, I just, y'know, postponed those plans," Darien said, laughing.

"Ah, is that all?" Seth said, smirking. He leaned up to peck his chin, gently rubbing his hips.

"Of course, just a little innocent detour," Darien said.

"You're too much," Seth said, rolling his eyes.

The grin on his face seemed to never disappear. He was happy, truly, for the first time in a really long time. Darien completed him. He lifted a hand to brush it against Darien's cheek, and then leaned up to peck him on the lips again.

"So," Darien began. "Are we going to the house of mirrors, or am I going to have to do you in this cart?"

Seth blushed intensely, his eyes widening just a little bit before muttering, "let's go to the house for now."

Darien laughed and climbed off of Seth's lap and out of the cart, offering his hand to Seth to help him out.

"You know something, Darien? You've changed a lot," Seth said, beginning their walk.

"Changed how?" Darien asked.

"Well, you used to be so small and timid and quiet," Seth said. "And cutesy. All that stuff."

"So, what am I now?" Darien asked.

"You're just very sassy, and dominant. I've never seen you like this before," Seth said.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No! I never said it was, I'm just saying, it's a change that I've noticed. You want what you want, and you usually get it, you know? You're like a little diva," Seth smirked.

"I am NOT a little diva!" Darien shouted.

"Oh, but you areeee~!" Seth sang.

"Am NOT," Darien reiterated.

"Are too!" Seth laughed. "Oh, look! We're here!"

The two boys approached the abandoned attraction. The outside of the building was looking rugged, and almost droopy. Moss and ivy grew along the base and the roof, masking most of it's exterior in leafy green. The paint had become dingy and faded over time, and seemed to be peeling off of a majority of the surface.

"First one to exit is the winner!" Seth shouted.

"Oh? And what does the winner get?" Darien asked, biting his lip. Seth rolled his eyes.

"Jesus Christ, Darien. You're like an animal in heat. The winner gets cookies from the café that Caroline works at. Loser pays," he said.

"Fine, fine," Darien said, sighing.

"We run in, one... two... three!" Seth shouted.

The boys threw caution to the wind and barreled through the fragile attraction, going separate ways to find the path to the other side. Numerous mirrors were ran into, but the entire place echoed with hysterical laughter from the couple.

"I'm gonna win, Seth! I can feel it!" Darien shouted.

"I dunno, I want those cookies REALLY bad," Seth replied. He continued to run, placing his hands everywhere to protect himself from running into any more mirrors.

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