v. Promotion

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Chapter FivePromotion

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Chapter Five


Steve slightly grimaced as he watched the nurse pull the needle out of his arm after having drawn another sample of blood. Despite his new inability to feel the small prick of the point, he still hated needles. He figured he would probably always hate needles.

He glanced up at the two women before him and asked, "Think you got enough?"

It seemed that for Diana, being lost in thought, had become a usual state for her these past few days. Not long after Diana and Steve witnessed the suicide of the Hydra spy, did a group of S.S.R. operatives arrive to clean up the scene. From that, the duo were brought back to the laboratory for an analysis of the events.

"Any hope of reproducing the program is locked in your genetic code," Peggy explained. "But without Erskine it would take years."

"He deserved more than this," Steve said. His gaze flickered from the British woman, to the Amazonian standing to her right. Diana eventually blinked and returned to the conversation. Steve stood and walked towards the window behind the two women.

Diana noticed the sorrowful expression across Steve's face and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If it could work only once. He'd be proud it was you."

Steve turned to look at her, but remained silent. His eyes however spoke for him. Diana understood he appreciated her words and smiled in response.

Diana turned and followed his gaze out the window to see Colonel Phillips arrive with the two men that had accompanied the Hydra spy. Diana clenched her fists and exited the small room to approach the men. Steve glanced at Peggy, before quickly following after the Amazon.

"Colonel Phillips, my committee is demanding answers," One of the men said as they walked towards Howard Stark.

"Great, why don't we start with how a German spy, got a ride to my secret installation in your car?" Colonel Phillips replied when they stopped in front of Howard. The man turned his attention away from the submarine and towards the group of men.

"What do we got here?"

"Speaking modestly I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don't know what's inside this thing. Or how it works. We're not even close to this technology," Howard answered them with a look of desperation. His eyes glanced over Diana, who stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching the scene.

"Then who is?" asked another one of the men besides Colonel Phillips.

"Hydra, I'm sure you've been reading our briefings," Colonel Phillips replied.

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