EP2: Contact

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501st Legion and Monster Girl EP2


Everyone in Venator is unconscious. Anakin wakes up first. Then Rex, R2D2, Ahsoka. Five and Thrawn is still unconscious

Rex: "He's still breathing. Thanks to the force"

Five: "Nom nom...delicious blue milk"

Rex: "And yes...He's daydreaming in this situation"

Then Rex slaps Five's head. Five awake and annoyed

Five: "AWWW!!! REX!!"

Rex: "Glad to see you awake"

Five: "Just normally awake me!"

Rex: "Sorry, this is my normal

Then Thrawn awaken.

Thrawn: "Am I... alive?
Ahsoka: "Check the crew and report damage!"

After an hour. The damage report is only the hyperdrive system. And no casualties. Just a little knockout. Food supply is up to 3 month. There's a lot of ammunition. Although it's energy-based so it won't deplete easily. Scientist confirmed that's not a black hole. But it's high gravity unstable wormhole

Anakin: "Now...where are we?"

Anakin said Thrawn. Then he checks a galactic map.

He's nowhere in the old galaxy. He's in a new one!!!

Anakin tried to use the force on his lightsaber. It's still working. Lightsaber floating in the air.

But he looks out of the window in command bridge. He found a green and blue planet.

Anakin: "Scan the planet basically."

The result is this planet contains life. With basic breathable air. It has Gravity only 0.5 G but its diameter twice in size of (Earth). The temperature is 25 Celsius. But there's a strange energy cover this planet.

Ahsoka: "Master, while we're repairing the hyperdrive. We must contact the local. For resources and help us back to our own Galaxy."

Anakin: "Wise idea, snip."

Then Venator gets closer into an atmosphere. A light glow in the sky as the flame cover the hull of a starship

However, they don't know they're being watched...by monster girl below?

- 30 minutes-

The ship enters atmosphere mode.

Rex: "Any softer way to enter, General?"

Ahsoka: "Don't forget his habit."

Five: "Should we begin land invasion?"

Ahsoka: "Not invasion. Investigate."

Five: "Sorry, Commander."

Rex: "We'll send units to investigate."

Anakin: "Include me"

Rex: "W...why? General?"

Anakin: "Because this is where the fun begins"

Ahsoka: "I'm coming with you...to make sure master don't cause problems"

Rex: "Then who'll command the ship?"

Everyone stares on Thrawn

Thrawn: "I knew you would say that"

Anakin: "Thanks Thrawn. Now we'll send LAAT to explore"

Thrawn: "May the force be with you"

The bay in Venator is open. Then around 10 LAAT flying out of the hangar. Include Anakin's one.

501st Legion and Monster Girl (Star wars X MGE)Where stories live. Discover now