EP9: Space Conflict

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501st Legion and Monster Girl EP9

Space Conflict

A strange ship appeared. There are 2 droids gunship remaining. This time, Anakin can feel the essence of him before he appeared as

Count Dooku...

(Count Dooku)

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(Count Dooku)

Anakin: "Count Dooku"

Dooku: "I didn't expect the Skywalker."

The droid begins to assault on Anakin. But then Aurora fire Grenade launcher at the droids. Anakin uses the force to throw droid corpse at Dooku. But Dooku can dodge.

Dooku: "It seems you are more powerful. And there's your friend"

Anakin: "My power is double more than we last met."

Dooku: "2×0 is still 0"

Anakin rushes to Count Dooku. The blue lightsaber impact with a red lightsaber. Anakin uses his form V: Shien-Dhemjo to strike Dooku. His blade is like a storm. He spins and strikes his lightsaber blow to Dooku's blade. His blow is heavy and parries Dooku's sabre. However, Dooku who uses from II: Makashi managed to block every blow of Anakin like water in the liver. Anakin strikes his right. Dooku blocks it. But then Anakin strikes a heavy blow on top and turn left quickly. Dooku blocks it but the lightsaber whisks every time he blocks. Dooku feels pain when he parries Anakin's blade.

Dooku begins to counter-attack. He uses force lightning to intercept Anakin. Anakin blocks it with lightsaber before Dooku rush and spins the blade to parry Anakin. Then he uses stab tactic. But Anakin dodges back. Dooku uses the force to throw crates behind Anakin. Anakin dodges it but one of it hits Anakin. Dooku rushes to stab Anakin but he manages to roll.

Aurora: "Master! I come to intercept to you!"

Then Aurora fires her gun at Dooku. But Dooku blocks it. Aurora ignites her jetpack and charge & fire at Dooku. Then Dooku uses force lightning at Aurora

Anakin: "Aurora!"

Aurora: "...Promise me..."

Then Aurora lies on the ground.

Dooku: "Now...Release your anger."

Anakin: "Dooku!!!"

But then Anakin remembers her promise.

"Do not get angry in the fight...That terrify surroundings."

Anakin then calms down. And his mind cooler.

Anakin: "For Aurora."

Anakin then strikes his lightsaber cold and powerful. Now he uses a new tactic. Control anger and Use it at the right time. Hide feeling like Aurora did. His blow is stronger than before. He manages to damage Dooku's shoulder. Although it's slight damage, it's pain too." Anakin then forces push Dooku to smash with his ship. The Clones and Red army are still encountering with Droids. Fives and Echo both use Z6 Rotary gun to take down B2

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