EP16: Mean guy mean love (1)

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501st Legion and Monster Girl EP16

Mean guy mean love (1)

At the same time as Anakin dating Aurora. Thrawn is checking kill cam on the Venator. Thrawn and Victoria use the camera to record their kills.

Thrawn: "60 kills. Huh?"

Fives and Echo who is in the same room gossip.

Fives: "Thrawn was like a John Wick that I watched last night."

Echo: "I'm glad that I downloaded that film."

Suddenly, Victoria drops herself from an air vent.

Victoria: "Hello there"

Fives: "Valkyrie Victoria!!!"

Echo: "You are a bold one!"

Victoria: "Thrawn, are you free?"

Thrawn: "I suggest you will likely talk about kill counts."

Victoria: "Ara. Your calculation is usually true. And always meanie. Anyways, Why do you attack the orders?"

Thrawn: "They are too aggressive on unbelievers and mamono. According to libraries and Soviet soldier who had the likely history. They even kill unbelievers. You told me that too?"
Victoria: "That belongs to the chief god, not my Thor. Thor is kind."

Thrawn: "Also, the religion that strict too much cause the hang on civilization growing. The Human, Chiss and many species in my Galaxy don't go into religion much as the order. We even abandon. Yet we create more than a million of massive starship since we formed the Galactic Republic. For the Jedi, They seek knowledge more than worship the force. huh, ask Anakin about Jedi. And for where Dimitri came. His even ban religion yet they developed great weapons.

Victoria: "That's not true! You talk too much!"

Thrawn: "According to you. What's the importance of religion?"

Victoria: "We'll get blessed by our God! You idiot!"

Thrawn: "Does god create the massive spaceship such this Venator for you?"

Victoria silent. Her cheek is bulging like pufferfish.

Victoria: "Hey meanie. Let's talk about kill count."

Thrawn: "I got 60"

Victoria gets shocked in the number of casualties committed by Thrawn

Victoria: "Holy shit... fucking blue martial arts guys can kill this lot?"

Thrawn: "Just use brain more than a blue muscle."

Victoria: "But I got 61."

Thrawn silent.

Thrawn: "What?"

Victoria: "Because I helped the last Raiju. And I'm Valkyrie after all."

Thrawn: "But if there's no Orbital Bombardment execution. The plan won't succeed. That's my credit."

Victoria: "I said we count only land fighting, meanie Blue strategist"

Then Victoria approach Thrawn. Their faces close to each other. Victoria goes serious.

Victoria: "Also. Don't talk about Orbital Bombardment!"

Thrawn: "Does it bother you?"

Victoria: "Yes. A lot. That tactic is unfair and genocide!"

Thrawn: "I've done it many times. There's no fair in a war. Only tactic"

Victoria bulging like a pufferfish again.

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