EP7: Dark Deed shatter

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501st Legion and Monster Girl EP7

Dark Deed shatter

Anakin step on the pile of girls. One of his eyes turned yellow. Aurora walks towards Anakin.

Anakin: "Hello there...Aurora..."

Aurora: "Please..."

Anakin: "What?"

Aurora: "Please stop ...Master...You're not a demon"

Anakin: "What? I'm human. No demons here."

Aurora still walks towards Anakin.

Aurora: "You're a good guy. Please...stop this painful killing."

Anakin: "All kills are painful."

Aurora approach Anakin. Her programs try to prevent it. But the artificial mind is more powerful. Programs and Mind fight each other. To keep her in line, or approach her master and bring him out of the darkness. Also, the same force ghost is telling her to bring her master out from the darkness.

It's Qui-Gon Jinn

Aurora meant no harm. She then hugs Anakin

Aurora: "I can see your face like you can see mine."

Anakin: "Aurora?"

Aurora releases her tears.

Aurora: "This is what concern feeling is? I know now..."

Anakin: "Then Stop hugging me and deal with those rapists!"

Her program uprising against her mind. Programs tell her to be in line. But her mind has a bigger ally. Feeling and The Force. Aurora cries harder. Anakin grant his feeling "I'm doing something wrong"

Aurora: "You are suffering from your bad feelings. I don't know what you faced. But...You're not the master I know. You're kind...you're helpful and wants to protect others. Not a killjoy. Please...tell me...you're not a bad person...tell me my master registration doesn't wrong... You can Hate me. But I'll serve you no matter what. But please... let the past die... but not kill it... Please...That's how we're gonna win. Not by fighting what we hate. But saving what we love.

(Author: Also, no hate speech about TLJ here. And bully can be done by words. You are a good guy, right? Please don't do a word bully. Even on the internet or Real-life talking.)

Darth Vader inside Anakin's heart shattered. Anakin's eyes return to normal blue. He looks at what he had done. And watch Aurora cry quietly. This is abnormal for a droid or automaton. Anakin wipes her tears and hugs her.

Anakin: "I was wrong. I drown in my hatred. But thank you...for saving me...I will not let you cry again. I just break my moral code. Thanks"

Aurora: "If you see I'm against you. You can punish me."

Anakin: "No Aurora...I know the feeling of a servant."

Aurora: "Huh?"

Anakin: "Because...I'm once a slave since I was young."

Aurora: "My master...once a slave?"

Anakin: "We'll talk later. Let's deal with that weird girl first"

Then, the weird girl with an oversized axe approaches them. She's a high orc

High orc: "{There there, a sweet couple between emotionless}

Automaton and handsome guy huh? I want that man very hard.

Automaton fire her gun. But high Orc deflects it. Her gun is a bit slower than a blaster. Blaster is 60 m/s (According to Adam Savage) and PPSH is 500 m/s (Author: Star Wars movies made Blaster terribly slow...damm) Her gun is at 80% at blaster speed. Later, a horde of goblin girls rushes towards Anakin and Aurora.

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