EP26: Fight to the goal

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501st Legion and Monster Girl EP26

Fight to the goal

Anakin: "So...I did cut my own hand?"

Deku: "Yes! You have been that crazy after swing lightsaber blindly! But not for long! Your metallic hand fixed itself! Then Aurora claimed that there's a ghost talk to her! Then she tries to meditate so much time until she fainted!"

Anakin has no word. He's not annoying as he controlled emotion. But Deku like to discuss every quirk or strange things elaborately! So...he had nothing to say... And that ghost Aurora mentioned is not a ghost. It's Obi-wan, poor Deku.

At least. They reached the key. It looks like a stone cylinder with blue Kyber crystal inside a glass-covered channel.

And for returning. There's no event much except a Water Monitor run pass them surprisingly (In case you don't know for fanfiction ver. It's a reptile.)

- Hallway

Finally, Everyone is back.

Anakin has found out that another team did find anything odd!!

First is Team D. They had to fight Thanos again. This re-teaches them the band of Avengers. They all joined in.

Form team B. It's strange but it's rex. He had a mission vision and has a mission to protect everyone including himself. He failed first as he died but in the end, this teaches him that clone isn't expendable and they must go home together if they can. Ahsoka did join here later. But Rikako didn't

Form team C... It's Thrawn and Senku. And they got raped by Horde of Angel, Valkyrie, Cupid and other Heaven Entity... Luckily there aren't Victoria and she didn't know because she's a retard pufferfish Valkyrie. Hell, there's an unknown mad god named Ilias too. If victoria knows this it could be really bad somehow. In the end, Thrawn and Senku try to leave 3 meters from Victoria for a period of time.

And no one here knows Monster Girl Quest.

As they installed "Key" Which is 4 different colours of Kyber crystals. There's Blue, Green, Purple and Red. The door slowly opened.

Inside. They saw a pyramid with Revan state with cloak and mask inside. But that's not an ordinary state.

Thor: "That's Revan's avatar. And he sealed himself in stone using purification device like Dr.Stone. aka Where Senku form."

Senku: "I'm sure 10 billion per cent that we have to use...this."

Senku picks up Nital. Which It's a combination of Nitric acid and alcohol.

Senku: "It's Nital. We used for etching of metals in industries. It's a combination of Alcohol and Nitric acid. Kukuku I'm glad that I put it in self-made Shockproof sheet and Carry here. Thanks, Thor."

Thrawn: "Nital? A surprise to be sure but a welcome one."

As they proceed. Thrawn and Senku see something before others all passed through...And what they see...It's an ancient sensor.

Thrawn + Senku: "Wait!!!"

Everyone looks back but it's too late. The sensor is working!!!

Not for long, the system in temple work. And the door opened, revealing the ancient droids with Vibro spear.

 And the door opened, revealing the ancient droids with Vibro spear

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