EP:13 Metallic kiss (1)

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501st Legion and Monster Girl EP13

Metallic kiss (1)

Victoria is still depressed.

The operation completed 4 days ago. The orbital bombardment was terrifying.

But according to the clone. Real Orbital bombardment could wipe out a continent. THIS IS A VERY LITTLE ONE

The destruction this time. It not only destroys the entire camp. All of surrounding in 500 meters destroyed. This incident is known to native as "Exploding Light Rain" all witness said as the same sound

"There's nothing left. It burned everything. Everything in the burning range is flat. The crater is 30 meters deep. Not even know The Order was here."

But all clones are get used to it.

In conclusion. Mission success. Yet it intimidates native. It was part of Thrawn's plan. Why? Because the native will know the power of 501st and not dare to fight them.

The lord is captured. But he is jailed by Ryuko. He's stubborn until he witnesses Interrogation Droid and Anakin's force. They got some the Order's data.

All captured mamono return to their home. Except Raiju one. She is seeking a clone husband. But she soon knows they had the same face.

Now there's "Eternal Astra" Squad. There's Anakin, Rex, Ahsoka, Fives, Echo, Dimitri, Eric, Aurora, Victoria and Thrawn for members. This squad's purpose is for the elite mission.

This is a peaceful day... and this is a peaceful episode.

Anakin just wakes up from the bed. Then he accidentally grabs something. It's soft like a dough.

Anakin: "Hmmm...I think there's nothing on my bed except for a pillow and a blanket...so soft.."

Anakin crumpled this soft thing as he's sleepy. Then he noticed some hot air breath. This breath is slightly hot and he suddenly knows who's sleeping with. There's one with hot mechanical breathing. He opens the Blanket.

Aurora is sleeping with Anakin!!!

And Anakin is grabbing Aurora's breast!

Aurora gently opens her eyes.

Aurora: "Master...Are you awake?"

Anakin: "Aurora?! Why you're in my bed???"

Aurora: "I want to pleasure you. I calculated that sleeping with you will comfort you."

Anakin silent. He then brushes and quickly put the grabbing hand back.

Aurora: "Am I doing anything wrong?"

Anakin: "Nothing Aurora. Thanks for concerning me."

Anakin pat Aurora's head. Aurora smile a little bit

Aurora: "If you don't mind... why don't we explore the city of Haruna?"

Anakin: "Great Idea!!! Let's go then!"

Aurora stares at another way shily.

Aurora: "Thanks...master...You're so kind"

- Haruna Plaza -

This city is truly Japanese Ancient City. There are many carts here. The shop opens delightfully and there's a group of clone buying fish. Mamonos walk alongside with human. This city is truly the middle point between human and mamono. There's even Russian soldier flirting with Inari waitress.

Aurora and Anakin recording the city of Haruna. Aurora leads Anakin to the large good-looking blacksmith shop.

Blacksmith: "{Wellcome. What would you like? ... 501 the World crosser huh?.}

501st Legion and Monster Girl (Star wars X MGE)Where stories live. Discover now