The pythons

30 24 8

Someone's prov ~

Not a while ago, Lila marched right into her new dorm with her new roomies. She spends half an hour off loading her belongings and collapses along side the couch yuning.

Lila's prov~

My legs weakened as I collapsed long sides the couch breathless. I was so tired that I couldn't even move for as long as I knew. I took a short nap to wake up and see 3 different faces in particular. One thought I was dead and the other two thought I was sleeping. Later on I heard a big slam at the door and it was Rocky. He didn't mean to wake me up so he asked me to go back to sleep but I refused. The fact that I slept 10 hours straight made me miss my two besties. In the act of concern, I raced to my room snatching my phone way up from the cabinet in search of my friends contact. I called in generally because I loved the three of us speaking together instead of apart.

Sofie's prov~

On my way to bed and then a thought clears into my mind. I felt empty inside not knowing what it was. Suddenly my ears catch up a "ring ring" sound and apparently it happened to be Lila. I jumped as I saw the notification slide up my phone. I pick it up not missing it. My heart falls at ease hearing her beautiful voice.

"Hey!!!!! Sof!! 😄 Lila yelled out of excitement.

Before I could say another word I noticed another had joined the call with me baring a question "Are we in a conference call ?" I then heard a rather similar voice answering my question with a dead on yes! I recognized the voice and yelled the name out loud "Gloria!!😄" We all were eager to talk to each other. We spent time on the phone as if we were separated for a long time not really noticing we are just two dorms away from each other.

Clock strock midnight and it was time for us to say goodbye. Gloria was the first to go off line. So I had to say goodbye to Lila too. I told her that I loved spending time on the phone with her and Gloria and she thought the same thing too leaving the line with a uwu 😘.

With that my worries were gone finally, I then marched to bed seeing it was passed my bedtime.

Next thing in the morning ~~

Someone's prov ~

All had waken up from sleep with the bright light shone on each of their faces. Surprisingly, Gloria, Lila and Sofie had gotten up the exact same time and finished dressing in sync. The three step out of the dorms in sync noticing themselves.

Gloria's prov ~

I step out the dorm realising my two besties. I rush in for a group hug as they brase themselves. I rage in like a rhino as the fall back. We share laughs as we head on to the cafeteria.
As usual, fellow mates were admiring our outfits as we gazed upon a beautiful dove.
The three of us rush to the dove as it tries to fly away. The poor dove was hurt and the leg was bruised. My eyes clear as I take a closer look at the bird's wing. I grind my teeth as I noticed a familiar scar. My blood boils as I walk angrily to the rest room living both Lila and Sofie worried. I bang the door behind me as I rush to the sink rinsing my face with tap water.

"No!!! They can't be back!!! I can't go through all over again, guhhhh!!! Why can't they just leave me alone!!!

I yelled in complaint. Shortly, I sled down with my back facing the door in pain....... I roll up my sleeve revealing a scar similar to that of the bird's. I bang my hand against the mirror leaving it in pieces as blood drips from underneath my palm.
I gather up courage to clean up my mess and to go meet the others.

I head out to of the toilet covering my wound and running to Lila and Sofie.

"Gloria is everything okay? " Lila asked gazing into my eyes seeing I was blank. Nothing I replied but she didn't buy it at all so she asked again making me loose my temper and strangling her half to death.
She choked at my grip as Sofie pushed me away from her. Every where went silent as Sofie tried to scold me.

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