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Hey guys!!! How's your lives been so far.

Anyways mines been sort of a boomer, I can't got to school anymore 😭😭😭 cuz of the stupid Corona virus but it's for safety anyways.

I like literally can't wait for April, but I'm just hoping they don't cancel it too.

Anyways the reason for the sudden announcement is, I've noticed that I really don't pay that much attention to this book that recently had #504 but I'll make sure to get it back and maintain it.

I'll be posting 2 chapters once a week to satisfy the hungry readers that have been waiting for so long PS I am so sorry hehe.

It's going to be every Friday by 12:30pm so hope u enjoy it and have a nice holiday/ weekend 😘❤️❤️

Cya sooooon my babies ❤️❤️❤️

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