How could you!!

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Pls listen to the song while reading 💖

Someone's pov ~

Sun rose as Gloria growled at it. She woke up on the bed all alone with no clue where Nathaniel was. She should have known that Nathaniel would never see things differently. She lifted herself up from bed as she moved to the bathroom seeing Nathaniel. How she wished she could embrace him and kiss him just like she used to but was cut off by him bumping into her as he left the bathroom for her.
A large amount of tears fled down from Gloria's eyes as she cuddled herself on the floor. She could endure any slap, beating, starvation, anything at all just not this.

Slowly she wallowed in pain. Nathaniel walked in surprised. He wished he could talk to Gloria just once but his hatred still burnt inside. Gloria looked at him for a while and got up Aproching him with less concentration on his behavior and more in his eyes. While walking Gloria tripped and was about falling when Nathaniel grabbed hold of her hand drawing her closer to his body. The both stared at each other motionless with their breaths braising on the others. Suddenly Nathaniel had a vision of what happened yesterday and out of shock he dropped her. Gloria fell out of his hands and mumbled. It hurt her alot and Nathaniel didn't care. He just left without saying anything further.
Gloria was all alone in the room and was wallowing.


It had been 5 hours and Gloria still didn't come out. The girls were worried so they went to go get her but found her crying. They asked her what was wrong but all she did was to cuddle and curse her misery . Lila and Sofie weren't happy neither were they angry. They grabbed Gloria and tried cheering her up but every try was a mishap. They did all they could but couldn't bring a smile on her face. Suddenly they stumbled upon some love letters written by Nathaniel and were hidden in a cupboard. Lila and Sofie opened it up and saw alot of them. They were so touched and they took it to Gloria. Gloria was so emotional that she cried. Nathaniel loved her so much. She hated herself for what she did. Her friends hugged her as she kept on hitting herself. They cheered her up saying that Nathaniel loves her dearly. That brought about a big smile to her face as she got ready to step out the dorm.


They all headed to the cafeteria as they lined up at the lunch buffet. Lila and sofie's eyes caught fire as they gazed upon something that they couldn't believe would actually happen. They then tried hiding it from Gloria by blocking the sight of it.
Gloria grew suspicious as each and every time she moved either Sofie or Lila would clash in the sight. Gloria then was tired of it so she pulled them apart with a tear releasing. She saw something that shattered her heart. She saw Kate and Nathaniel kissing. Gloria stepped backwards falling down in disbelief. Her heart pounding in pain as Nathaniel realizes from the kiss. His eyes watery as Gloria's face turns blank. Lila and Sofie found themselves feeling ashamed of Nathaniel. All this while they thought that Nathaniel would forget and love Gloria but no. Sadly it had to come to this. Gloria gets up looking at Nathaniel and moves back in tears running across the hall way in wolf speed as Nathaniel runs after her.


Gloria runs into the dorm locking herself up not realizing Zayn, Max and Chris. They wondered what could have happened. Then suddenly they heared an aggressive bang! at the door. Nathaniel banged on the door begging her to open up but she refused wallowing in tears as the three friends of Nathaniel gathered around her.

Gloria : how could you! How could you do this to me!?

Gloria yells out in pain. Nathaniel slides down from the door opposite Gloria as it mimicks. Zayn wasn't too sure about it but he thought it had something to do with Nathaniel. Zayn then asked what happened. Gloria stood up angrily and started barking.

Gloria : what happened!? What happened!? I'll tell you what happened! Your friend happened! Ask what ever he did and he'll tell you in full detail!

Zayn : what?

Max : something is definitely wrong.

Gloria : it always is, isn't it?!

Chris : calm down Gloria.

Gloria : don't tell me to calm down!! I've kept quiet for so long without even noticing what was going on!!
I've been used!

Zayn : Glo-

Nathaniel bursts into the door breathing heavily as the rest can't believe he actually bursted through the door. Right there and then he was in his full on alpha. He couldn't bare the thought of loosing Gloria forever.
Gloria refused to look into his eyes knowing she wouldn't overcome the link between the both of them. Lila and Sofie run to the dorm seeing that the door had been broken and all stood still. Nathaniel stands still with his heart thrusting as he is eager to grab Gloria.

Nathaniel : Gloria. Look. At. Me.

Gloria refuses to gaze as he gets more aggressive.


Nathaniel used the alpha voice which Gloria thought he could never use on her. She stands still with her heart throbbing.

Nathaniel's heart longed for Gloria as he pulled her up close. His red beaming eyes launching at her as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Nathaniel noticed she was scared so he released her and went on his knees. Everyone went speachless as he cried out Gloria's name. Gloria went full on blank by him mentioning her name. Nathaniel cried and cried. No one had ever seen Nathaniel cry like that. Gloria remained silent. Nathaniel looked up at her with his soul dying. She remained silent. A small but audible voice plunged in.

Do you still love me?

Everything went silent as Nathaniel showed a blank face. Nathaniel shot at Gloria with her dying inside and him saying.

Why would you ask me that! You crazy girl! I love you with all my heart!

Nathaniel yelled out restraining himself.
Gloria's heart pumps out love but heart broken.

You are a liar and a deceiver. You never loved me! If you loved me..... Then why did you kiss Kate?!? Threw everything away just like that...... How!?!

Nathaniel stands looking at Gloria with an angry face.

Oh really?! How about when you kissed Noah?! Or have you forgotten! Did you think about me then?!?

Gloria's wolf growls as Nathaniel notices the rage and anger in her eyes for him.

Noticing that, he stumbles when moving backwards as he turns around with a tear dropping.

Do you~ still want me?

Nathaniel asks with his heart beating for the answer.
All remain in fear for the answer.

Gloria's mind takes another turn. Gloria walks fermley towards Nathaniel looking at his brown mystical eyes with a cold answer.

I don't want you neither do I like you anyways ~

Nathaniel's tears drop with those words repeating in his memory. All in sadness. Nathaniel loosing his mind all over again.

I.... Need you and I love you....

Nathaniel's eyes widen at the peculiar voice determined that it could be Gloria's. He turns back and sees Gloria in tears. Nathaniel's heart beats harder and harder each time he looks at her. Finding it hard for him to think. He walks over to Gloria kneeling exactly where she knelt and lays a pleasant peck on her lips. Gloria's face lightens as she closes her eyes to kiss back.

Finally everything was alright.

So does this mean-

Nathaniel stops Gloria from talking and kisses her once more. Her wolf yipping and dancing in her and Nathaniel's joyfully smiling. The friends at the background are so happy and are finally relieved of the hatred between the two in particular. Everything was once again back in place.

Yes...... Everything's OK 😘

Hey guys hope you enjoyed it.
This isn't the end.
Much more will knock at your door.
For now cya 😘💖💖💖✌

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