Once a bad girl, always a bad girl pt4

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Under the bridge~

Someone's pov~

It had been 20 minutes since Gloria left school heading to the bridge. She found relief as she bounced on the ferm soil bringing forth blazing wind as all under the bridge gazed at the fearful one.  All spread the news

"Tagashi is back.........AGAIN! "

Hearing this news, Noah felt the breeze which had been locked up for years.  He finally felt comfort. He didn't know whether to believe what people told him so he went looking for himself.

He stumbled upon a fragrance that brought memories. He couldn't believe what he sensed. He tried pinching his nose just to be sure, but the same fragrance still hit him hard.

Noah was really confused,  he could sense her but couldn't see her. Why?

He then thought maybe his wolf senses were playing with him so he turned back at the thought slowly walking back to his headquarters.

The sent then hit him once more and he was loosing his mind this time. He banged his hand on the near by mirror with it breaking into little pieces as he bled in pain. It really hurt him.  He missed that fragrance all these years and for him to smell it once more without laying his eyes on the one he mound for.  Once again the sent hit him and he couldn't control his emotions.  He bashed himself to the wall slidding downwards.

"what's happening to me?"

A familiar breeze roams in as he placed his head hitting the wall behind him. A gentle but familiar voice strock his ears as they flapped.
He never flapped his ears before for a long time.

He opens his eyes and sees a structure of a the girl whom he loved.

"Tagashi?!? "

He couldn't believe his eyes. He saw his own Tagashi standing right infront of him. He couldn't hold back his emotions so he hugged her tight immediately releasing tears as a sighn of apology. At that moment something stroke gloria's mind and it was that of her past with him.  She pulled out of the hug placing a slap onto his face.


You just stop right there!  Don't you even think of acting like everything is OK between us!


Don't 'Tagashi' me!  Do you know how hurt I've been?!?!  Shelocked me in there! Because of you,  forcing herself to stop all she did!

What..... Wait she locked you her wolf. then why do you?..... Wait is this...

Yerth!!  Yes it is and this time it's taking over me like my wolf. My wolf is angry and mad!

Tagashi please listen to what I have to say first..

You think I'd want to listen


Shut up!!! I can't stand your plea

Then let me talk

Fuck off

I won't

Noah I hate you!

Then why did you come back?

I don't know!

Tagashi let me....

Get the fuck out!!

This is my clan and you can't tell me where to go.

Let me be you ass whole!!!! I don't want to see you!!! I hate you!!!

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