The broken friendship

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Sofie's pov~

I woke up with a strong feeling like I was going through feel relief. I bounced off my bed and into the bathroom where I took my shower. I dashed to the cupboard looking for what to and came across a top that I couldn't keep my eyes off. It was Lila's gift for me on my 14th birthday.... The day I fell inlove with her. I snached it from the hanger and wore it on as I struggled to look for the perfect to suit it. I run out of my dorm on my way to Gloria's.

I knock a million times but no response till I knock once more and see that she opens the door not noticing that Lila was watching. I see Gloria all pretty and gorgeous so I pull her in for a hug. Once everything was settled we raced to the cafeteria leaving Lila all alone.

Lila's mind~

Why did she go knocking on Gloria's door instead of mine! I mean she kissed me yesterday not Gloria! 😡 wait a minute..... Why am I getting pissed off? Maybe the kiss was just a mistake and probably she knocked at Gloria's door maybe cause of what happened yesterday..... I..... I...... I walked out on her and I shouldn't have done that.... It's my fault...... I should have respected her sexuality....... It was wrong of me..... I'll talk to her later for now I'm running out of time.

Three minutes later ~

Gloria's pov~

We wait by the cafeteria line as we get our meals and rush to our favorite table where we dined and waited for Lila. For some reason Sofie didn't feel like seeing Lila ., probably because of what happened the previous day. I tried talking to her about it but she kept on dauging the questions like bullets.

We shortly waited for Lila's arrival as we spotted her. She was in a very beautiful dress which Sofie loved but for some reason didn't want to make eye contact at all. Lila sat by her making it look akward, Lila broke the silence seeing it was too akward for her. She started it off by asking me a funny question, "How old was I again? " I wanted to breake her head for asking me of all people that question but I just broke out in laughter in the end, Sofie didn't find it funny at all and that made Lila hesitate. She even made gestures of a book which Sofie loved to hear about from her but didn't show any emotion.

Lila did everything to make Sofie smile but failed wofuly. Lila made her final move by complimenting her on her dressing but Sofie eyed Lila thus making it look like she was irritated. Lila bangged the table out of anger and stood up angrily. She didn't like the way Sofie behaved towards her.

Argument ~

Why are you like this huh?!?

Like what?!?

You've been ignoring me ever since this morning!!! Why?!?!

I don't know what your talking about!

Oh really!!!! So you don't want to admit that you've been avoiding me all this time!!! Waw!!!

The only person who has been avoiding who now is you!!!! Not me!!! K!!!

Oh really?!?! I've been trying to get your attention ever since but no you acted like I was a total stranger to you!

How am I the one acting that way. It's you who ran out on me yesterday!! I should be the one calling you the ignorant one!!!

Since when did we bring ignorance?!?

Since when did you start accusing me?!?

Stop covering your false ways Sofie!!!!

Look here your the false one here so you better ask yourself to stop!!!

Waw Sofie waw!!! You've never seesed to amaze me!! I thought we were the best of friends!!!

I thought the same till this morning!!! Maybe we aren't "the best of friends" anymore

What are you trying to say?!?

Maybe this friendship isn't working anymore!!! I'm....

Gloria : the both of you shut up!!!!!! What's gotten into the two besties I knew!! What happened to never letting go no matter what?!?!

Sofie : I'm sorry Gloria but if Lila can't understand and take consideration for once in her life then I don't think I can keep this friendship with her!!

Lila: really?!? You know I was thinking the same thing!

Gloria : b...

Lila : it's over!!!

Sofie : couldn't say it better myself!

Gloria: what about what I have to say about this?! Where's my saying?!? What about me..... What will happen to me?!?! Not all you say is what is based onto the society!!

Lila: I'm sorry Gloria...... But you have to choose..... Between me and Sofie.... Who do you... Want to be friends with?

Sofie: yeah choose

Lila : we are waiting.

Gloria's thoughts : when did our friendship take this curve? When did they become so cold?! What happened to them?!? What happened to our promises..... The ouths..... How can they just throw it all away and ask me to choose between them?!?! What went wrong?!?.

Lila: com'on Gloria we are waiting!

Gloria : * steps backwards* no..... Although you both might have lost your senses I still have mine!!!! How can you tell me to choose between the two of you?!?! How can you just throw all the ouths we made with each other?!?!? If this is a dream please wake me up!!! Cause I really hate this dream*tearing up* now let me ask you..... If you want to continue this friendship..... Please hold each others hands and tell me everything will be OK...... Tell me that your just pranking me........ Please hold hands.

*no movement made*

Sofie: I'm sorry Gloria....... But I'm afraid this is the end of our so called "friendship" it's all over. Nothing can be said or done at this moment.

Both parting ways leaving Gloria in the mist of all in tears.


Hey guys!
Sorry it had to be a little emotional but Thats just how life is. People face alot of challenges in life. Surely it will all come to an end but God knows when 🙄oh forgot I'm writing the story 😂well still can't tell but~~~ make sure you vote tho.
Cya 💖💖💖💖💋

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