Chapter 17 - Hard days.

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Leah's POV

I'm not going to lie my life has been really hard. I have been through a lot. One of my first memories was from when I was very young and I was told that both my parents had died. I barely made it through that and my adoptive parents where very worried. I remember when I first moved to thier mansion. I was super lucky that they took me in. Lily was my mother's best friend and Her husband Theo co-owned a huge resort with my father. It still goes on to this day. It's called Sun City and it's in South Africa. I lived on the property my whole life. (A/n this is a real place. google it. It's amazing I have stayed there)

People could say I had a relatively Okay childhood I mean I had all a kid could want, but I was just so depressed it didn't matter. I mean as you know I was obese and only lost the weight when I was a teenager. So I couldn't move much during that time. I would just study, read and eat. Not much of a life.

When I finally was a teenager and I did loose the weight I got some friend and had a normal social life. I had the best parties at the resort but all this only lasted a couple months because it got to a point where I made the realization that I could trust no one. They where not my friends for me they where my friends for my looks and my money.

I did keep a few friend though the ones I thought I could trust which included my best friend Sophie, her soon to be ex boyfriend Chris and one other boy who went by Eric. That trust was broken when one night Eric tried to sexually assault me. I nearly died and was beaten to a pulp, but I could never say the name of my attacker. I still can't to this day.

It all lead to me nearly committing suicide until my adoptive mother was able to wake me up. She helped me see the good in life. I still have the scares on my wrists from the attempts and various scares all over my body from the attack. I never thought I would show anyone these scares.

The reason I am saying all this is because my life isn't easy I have had some really hard days, but if I'm being honest the day I watched Luke leave to Chicago has to be up there with one of the worst.

It was a cool November morning and I woke up wrapped in his arms the events from the previous night flooding my memory. It was beautiful.

To celebrate what happened to be our one year anniversary of officially proclaiming we where a couple, Luke made a beautiful tent out of white fabric on the beach and we spent the night  laying there listening to the continuous crashing of waves and looking above at the night sky full of stars.

We had just came out of the water our bathing suites dripping wet, not another sole to be seen for miles, we walked into the tent and threw the costumes out the door leaving nothing between us as I kissed Luke's neck leaving love bites in areas I knew no one would see. I pushed him down onto the make shift bed and climbed on top of him tracing the definition of his muscles with my tongue eventually getting to the area I wanted and taking full control of the situation.

Unfortunately this was not the reality as for on that same night he would have to leave me and I was not sure when we would see each other in person again. The realization that the events of the previous night would not come again for a long time finally set in when he walked away from me and the members of his family in that airport terminal.

He promised to call as soon as he landed. Once again we where separated by space and would only get to see each other on a screen. I cried along with the Dunphys as even though I knew I was not losing him forever and once again I would be in his arms. Right now the unbareable reality is  that it is a time when I won't be in his arms is in the far future.

I missed him the second I left his arms and it felt as if a part of me left along with him. This was 1 years ago. Since then I have healed a little and cope with only seeing the love of my life through a small hand held device. We speak everyday when we have free time. He has also come to visit a few times and for holidays.

One week after Luke left I started my new job which was able to keep me preoccupied in the times I did not talk to him. I also spend a lot more time with his sisters and we have grown Immpossibly close while planning Haley's wedding. I love my work and I am thrilled that in the future I will be able to assist in saving the lives of many.

So yes some days are hard but I look  to the good side of things and count down the days until I will be in his arms once again.


I'm on a roll. Three chapters in one day. Wow. I shocked myself. Anyway thank you all for the support. This one is for those of you who I promised a chapter to in the near future 😂  you know who you are. Thank you for reading and leave a comment. I love you all. ❤️💫 it's like 1am here I'm gonna go to bed 😏😂

- L


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