Chapter 25- Fighting for Two

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Luke's POV

She has been asleep for a whole month and it feels like eternity. Her heart has stopped twice in that time and she has had multiple surgeries. Doctors come in and out of the room constantly to check on her.

They say that if she doesn't improve they will have to take her off the life support. I could never live with myself if she died. Life would not be worth living

Her family has been visiting her every day and lily is a wreck. She says that Leah looks exactly like her real mother when she was in this situation and it is very hard for her.

Gale hasn't said a word to anyone since he arrived. He comes to visit and speaks to only Leah and as for Theo well he pretends to be strong but I know on the inside he is a wreck.

My sisters are distraught. They are not the same without her and the poor twins are always asking for aunt Leah, but we don't want them to see her like this.

Two days ago I though I felt he hand twitch but the doctors say I'm imagining things.

I gently begin to stroke her head and speak to her. "Hey Leah, it's me again. I miss you so much. You have to get better because you have so much to live for. We all miss you and nothings the same without you. I finally read that note you left me that morning and I can't help but think how if I had just woken up you wouldn't be in this mess. You have to get better. You have to fight. I know you will, because you are the strongest person I know. I miss you voice and your hugs and having you lay your head on my chest, I miss the way you would play with my curls and how your big brown eyes sparkled in the light. I need you to open them again, okay? Please. I love you Leah." I say and when I finish I place a kiss on her head.

And once again I feel that slight twitch but I make nothing of it. It is probably my mind playing tricks on me.

Leah's POV

I don't know how long I have been surrounded by this darkness. It feels as if I will never wake up again. I can hear a few lost words from my surroundings .people telling me to wake up, and telling me stories of my family to pass the time, but I catch most of Luke's phrases and every time I do I fight to move even slightly. All I want to do is wake up and tell him I'm okay.

The more I try and fail the more hopeless it seems, because nothing moves and no reassurance is given. I would do anything to see him again. To place my lips on his and have him hold me tight. I always think back to that morning and how I should of woke him up and told him I loved him in person rather than through a note.

Sometimes I can feel the lost tears that drip onto my face or body's when he sobs. I try so hard to open my eyes and see him again. Tell him I love him and I'm so sorry for the pain I have caused him. I listen as he talks and savior every word as if it is the last one I will ever hear.

I heard the doctors say that soon they will have to take me off the life support about two weeks ago, which caused me to freak out and I tried harder than ever before to wake up but nothing worked. I am in so much pain. My stomach aches and my head is abnormally sore.

I worry for the little miracle that rests inside me. Nobody has mentioned a baby and I don't think the doctors know, but nobody does. If  only I could tell them. I found out only two days before the accidents and I was so excited. I didn't tell Luke because I was thinking of the perfect way to break the new of how he was going to be a father. I have to fight. Waking up seems impossible but I will try. For him. For our family and for our baby.

Plot twist!!! 😂😏 Yeah I didn't see it coming myself to be honest😹 I love you all. Thank you for reading. Will Leah be okay? Will their baby make it? We will have to wait and see. I love you please leave a comment and vote. Till next Time❤️💫

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