intro ☁️

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Jisoo tossed and turned lazily in his bed while his eyes flattered opened at the sunlight gently covering his soft features, causing the male to instantly rub his eyes.
Jisoo reached for his phone which was placed on his nightstand to check the time and he could swear he felt his heart drop when he did. The latter quickly kicked the blankets off of him and run towards his closet to search for something presentable.
"No no no no" he mattered, and when he threw on some clothes-not really minding about them being the perfect combination-he made a run to the bathroom.
Suddenly he heard a light knock on his door making his toothpaste drop off his toothbrush causing him to grown in annoyance.
"Hyung you're late hurry up!"
Jisoo rolled his eyes at his little brother and took a step back to look at his finished makeup. After being somewhat satisfied with it he made a run downstairs and grabbed his keys on his way only to drop them at the sight in front of him.
His watched as his dad was making out with a random woman in the living room before he covered his mouth in shock.
"what the-"
The pair pulled back and looked at the boy flustered before smiling awkwardly. Jisoo raised an eyebrow as he watched the woman hide behind his father.
"Oh, Jisoo i thought you left for school already" he said smiling awkwardly at his son.
"Yeah, clearly not" Jisoo crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the both of them judgmentally, waiting for someone to explain but when he saw that the couple just straight up stared at him not wanting to say a word he decided to speak again, mentally rolling his eyes.
"Who's this?"
"Oh i'm Aeyoung, nice to meet you"
Joshua bowed politely at the lady and waited for his dad to say something before everyone just fell into complete silence again.


Suddenly someone honked outside the house and Aeyoung quickly grabbed her purse and headed towards the front door.
"That must be my son, i'll see you all at dinner tonight it was really nice meeting you"
she said before the door closed behind her.

"So how long were you waiting for to tell me" Jisoo turned to look at his dad catching him off guard.
"I was, kind of waiting for the right timing"
Jisoo's father has been single since his wife decided she wasn't ready to have a family three months after giving birth to her second son and run away with only a note left behind. It was hard at first but they managed to work as a family, which of course required Jisoo having a part time job to help with the taxes.
"Oh okay"  he said before turning to his heel and making his way towards the entrance, remembering he's going to be running super  late to school if he doesn't leave now.
"I want you to be happy dad" he gave a small smile before closing the door behind him and running to the bus stop.

He waited for a bit before he saw a brand new red car stopping right in front of  him.
"What are you doing? you're gonna be late, jump in!"
Jisoo approached the vehicle and quickly hopped on in the passenger's sit after seeing the driver, smiling ever so brightly.
"Soonyoung! is that a new car?"
The younger started the car and drove off to their destination with a big evil grin plastered on his face.

this can't be good.

"Sort of" he announced, eyes still straight on the road. Jisoo scratched the back of his head and tilted his head in confusion.
"What does that mean?"
"It's my dad's"
Jisoo's mouth dropped agape at his friends words as he watched him burst into laughter, wishing internally for it to be a joke.
"Won't he freak out if he sees one of his cars missing?!"
"Nah he's out of town no need to worry"
Jisoo crossed his arms in defense ready to scold his friend for his outrageous behavior when Soonyoung had already pull up in the school's parking lot and hopped off his vehicle quickly gathering all of the stares around on him.
Jisoo rolled his eyes and followed behind the latter, not getting the same amount of attention. Jisoo didn't really mind it though. He wasn't really fond of it in the first place since the only kind of attention he received was being pushed over or verbally abused.
"Jisoo look! there's a hot babe talking with the new guy" Soonyoung suddenly gasped and shamelessly pointed at the direction the people were on.
Jisoo pulled his friend's hand down in embarrassment and looked over to see what he was talking about.
"Is this the transferred student?" Jisoo asked curiously as his friend nodded positively.
"Yes and i think he's checking you out"
"He's what-"
"Ssssht! listen!"
"No way dude? and what did her boyfriend do?" the guy pushed him playfully waiting for his friend to continue his story.
"He run off" He simply replied, shrugging and grinning as his friend was practically out of breath after laughing as if he just said the funniest thing he'd ever heard his entire life.

"Seokmin hyung! i cant believe you made his girlfriend cheat on him in his own house! that's insane!" Hansol exclaimed gathering all the stares on the both of them.
"Keep it down would you?" Seokmin pushed his friend lightly on the shoulder while he watched him burst into laughter once again.

Dumbass. He thought and pushed his hair out of his eyes checking out the new environment.
There were no interesting people here, but easy targets seokmin thought while carefully examining all the new faces. His friend was now muttering one of his own songs lost in his own world before gasping shortly after.
"What is it you moron" he rolled his eyes waiting for a good enough answer.
"Look at these two over there" Hansol looked over at the direction he was talking about showing him with his head gesture before he watched Seokmin's famous smirk forming on his face.

"Hyung did you hear that? Seems like we have a new bad boy in our school!" Soonyoung whispered yelled at his best friend before he clapped his hands enthusiastically.
Jisoo pulled out his phone only to see that his next class was starting in five minutes. He sighed tiredly and shoved his phone back in his pocket.

As he leaned on his back on the nearest wall, he noticed his bullies from last year and instantly fell into panic. He turned his head to look for Soonyoung but he had disappeared, probably flirting with some girl he thought. Jisoo stared at the guys and started to shake when he noticed they were already staring at him.

"Ah shit i need to go" he mattered to himself and run off not wanting to be noticed. He wasn't even looking in front of him and didn't really care where he was heading to, he just wanted to be as far as possible from them so he didn't notice the rock he tripped on before it's too late and shortly after his face met the cold hard ground.
"Watch it nerd" a voice said, but Jisoo was too dazed to even notice there was a person not only standing right in front of him but looking down at him with his arms crossed over his chest.
"The transferred student!?" Jisoo may or may not have voiced his thoughts out loud as he usually does when he panics. People always gave him weird looks on the subway or at the bus stop, even at the grocery store when he forgot the shopping list but never in front of people at school so when Seokmins face hardened and his jaw clenched he knew he should've started running but instead he decided to stay and fix it.
"I have a goddamn name" he spat aggressively his gaze on Jisoo who was clearly scared and intimidated by the latter.

"I'm Seokmin"

Jisoo gulped. How was he supposed to know his name when he just transferred here?

"I- I didn't mean to run into you Seokmin " Jisoo quickly sat up and brushed off his clothes before finally looking up and seeing the taller upclose.

Jisoo was in shock, he had never seen a guy like this before. His eyes trailed from his big brown orbs to his sharp nose and down to his beautiful pink tinted lips. He could tell he looked nice from afar but once you got closer it was way different and ten times better.

Jisoo was blushing.

"Then watch where you're fucking going next time"
the taller guy said, his lips forming into a small grin as Jisoo frowned, clearly annoyed by Seokmins choice of words.
"It was an accident i didn't mean to fall on you nor did i do it on purpose" he fired back.

Seokmin watched as the guys face turned into multiple shades of pink and the way he put his hands into fists. The younger looked around to see that they had already drawn attention and people were already staring, and that's when he got an idea.
"What's your name?" his question startling the older making him rethink his whole name.

"Attention everyone! Jisoo fell on me on purpose so i would give him my number!"

Jisoo dropped his mouth open and watched as everyone laughed at him, making him feel humiliated before looking at Seokmin furiously.
"I don't want your stupid number!" he exclaimed watching as the guy was clearly unbothered by the whole situation which made him even angrier.

What was he even grinning at!?

"Try to convince all of them now" He winked and walked off shortly after, leaving Jisoo standing there in humiliation.

"What's wrong with this guy!" he exclaimed in annoyance the sound of the bell indicating that he has to start his first class for the day making him groan.
"This means war, Seokmin"

This Means War. // SEOKSOO Where stories live. Discover now