four ☁️

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Jisoo rubbed his eyes before stretching his arms. He walked around the school yard with Soonyoung on his side as he yawned, exhaustion could be evident from his poorly covered eyebags which he tried to hide with his almost empty bottle of concealer. The sound of the wind relaxing him but the high temperature didn't fail to make sweat form on his forehead. Jisoo hated high temperatures, the urge to throw all his clothes off of him always present. The thought of staying in, all cuddled up in a blanket with some lame TV show to binge watch for hours while his toes froze to death seeming more ideal to him.

Jisoo rubbed his eyes again before hearing his friend's voice yelling for a split second and him being slammed on his face with a ball later on. Jisoo fell on the ground and rubbed his forehead and his nose gently groaning at the amount of pain he was in.

"Hyung! hyung are you alright?" Soonyoung immediately rushed to his side with worry written all over his face but Jisoo just stayed in the same position not moving an inch still holding his nose.

"I.. I think my nose is bleeding" he bite his lip softly trying as hard as he can to ignore the burning sensation before hearing the significant laughter ring in his ears.

"Oh did it hit you hard?" Seokmin smiled evilly receiving a glare from Jisoo and Soonyoung before the latter stood up and clenched his fists.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind!? Do you not know how dangerous it is to just casually throw a freaking ball at someone's face like that with so much force!? you could've broke his fucking nose or something!"
Soonyoung yelled but Seokmin just looked at him boringly as if he just watched the most uninteresting TV show on the planet before he raised one eyebrow and looked at the guy up and down.

"But it didn't break, did it?" Seokmin smirked and his eyes landed on the small guy who had now his whole hand covered in blood, his expression changing into a worrisome one.

"You son of a bitch!" Soonyoung swung his fist towards Seokmin's face but his action was cut short when the latter grabbed his wrist with ease only to punch the older across his mouth causing blood to run down his lip. Soonyoung yelled angrily about to tackle the guy, his friend's voice stopping him from doing so.

"Guys stop!" Jisoo yelled and Hansol held his friend back forcefully to stop the fight from evolving into something bigger.

"Let me fucking go! The guy is literally asking to get beaten up!" Seokmin exclaimed but Hansol didn't pull back; holding him close and not letting go before he felt his friend relax to his touch.

"What's going on in here!" Jisoo groaned as he saw his math teacher approaching them, already knowing he was going to get into detention again.

"This bastard hit my friend with the ball on purpose and now his nose is bleeding"
Soonyoung announced but Seokmin didn't bother to even look at him before crossing his arms over his chest.

"It was an accident I wouldn't hit him on purpose" Seokmin reasoned, feeling relief as the teacher seemed satisfied only to glance at the raven haired boy who seemed nothing but angered.

"What makes you think you can talk like that to your classmate and most importantly in front of me!?" The teacher exclaimed. Soonyoung felt his blood boiling and swore if it wasn't for Jisoo he would've already kicked Seokmin in the stomach by now. Seokmin was casually smiling in the back watching the boy get rightfully in trouble for the wrong choice of his words.

"No i-"
"And why is your lip bleeding?"
"Oh he fell on the ground five minutes ago. You see sir, I tried to help him but he refused" Seokmin explained before Soonyoung had the chance to say anything or speak for himself.

"Are you kidding me!"
"Detention Kwon! Go into the principals office and we'll discuss everything there"
Soonyoung kicked a rock and walked heavily inside the building not caring about the amount of stares he received. He had the urge to punch something or more specifically someone and he couldn't help but despise the guy after what happened. Firstly because he hurt his friend and secondly because he hurt his pride. And Soonyoung swore he would do anything to keep Seokmin away from Jisoo as long as he was alive.
"Looks like the place is empty" Seokmin said and let Jisoo rest on the nearest chair in the room. He examined the place and walked towards the small fridge next to the first aid kit which was placed on a shelve and walked towards it, opening the freezer.

"What are you doing?" Jisoo questioned Seokmin who was holding what seemed to be a bag of frozen vegetables.

"Breathe through your mouth" Seokmin ordered him.
"You don't want the blood to dry down the back of your throat do you?"and Jisoo did as he was told unable to fight him for commanding him at his state without questioning him any further.

Seokmin walked up to the older and placed the frozen bag on top of the bridge of his nose receiving a whine from Jisoo who didn't know if he felt relief or further amount of pain.

"Come, you need to sit somewhere comfortably your back is going to be in pain if you sit on that chair for too long"
Seokmin said but Jisoo whacked the frozen bag out of his hand only to hold it on his own.

"As if you care! You were literally the person who kicked the ball on my face in the first place! stop acting like you actually care-  Put me down!"

"Oh shut up"
Seokmin walked quickly to Jisoo's living room carrying the boy bridal style and ignoring his yells as he placed him gently on the soft mattress, turning on his television and switching to netflix before putting on a random show for Jisoo to watch.

"What the freak!"
"Oh and don't lay down or else you're going to bleed again" and with that he walked out and closed the door, leaving Jisoo alone on his own house with a shitty show he was ironically watching the other day.

"Screw you!" Jisoo threw a pillow across the room that landed perfectly on the closed door Seokmin had previously walked out of.

What was his deal? Jisoo was mad. He obliviously touched his nose before groaning in pain and placing the bag of frozen vegetables on his nose again.

"He's so going to pay for this"

A/N: i am aware this is a mess but i'm tired and i really wanted to update since i've been gone for a long time. Expect more satisfying updates from now on.

This Means War. // SEOKSOO Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant