twelve ☁️

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A/N: that's ugly and unedited sorry

Jisoo was laying comfortably, head on Seokmin's chest while the latter embraced the older with one arm protectively. Between the two, Seokmin was first to wake up, letting a long yawn before his gaze fell down on the sleeping boy who had shamelessly thrown his leg lazily on top of Seokmin's making the younger crack a soft smile as he watched him struggling to get closer if it was even possible.


Jisoo fluttered his eyes open slowly before rubbing them, not really able to process what was currently happening as he didn't even bother to give any sort of reply, allowing his eyes to close again only to open them at the sudden voice coming from outside the room.

"Seokmin? Are you there?" Aeyoung spoke in a worried tone, startling both of the boys and making them fly out of the bed in the speed of light.

Jisoo looked at the door in horror before locking eyes with Seokmin who looked almost as terrified as he did, desperate to think of a plan to get him out of the situation he was unfairly trapped in.

"Shit!? Why is my mom home?" Was all the taller could come up with, not really helping Jisoo's anxiety calm down a tiny bit.

"I'm coming in!" Aeyoung announced as her son didn't seem to give her any form of reply, growing impatient.

Jisoo started panicking. Finding your son with a person his age alone in the same room and this early in the morning wouldn't give any other explanation apart from the fact that they obviously had an affair the previous night, even if the two didn't actually end up doing anything else other than kissing. Or they did... and Jisoo was too dizzy to remember.

"What do I do!?" Jisoo suddenly exclaimed, making the boy next to him jump as Jisoo accidentally yelled into his ear.

"Hide in my closet!" Seokmin tried hard not to make his voice too loud in fear of his mom hearing him as he watched Jisoo throwing him a glare.

"There's no way i'm going to hide in your stinky closet!" he said before crossing his arms over his chest but Seokmin wouldn't hear any of his stubbornness and complaints as he shoved the boy inside his closet, closing the door just when Aeyoung peeked her head inside the room.

"Hey mom, I uh.. I didn't think you'd be home until this afternoon" Seokmin cracked an awkward smile as he tried his hardest to compose himself, knowing there's a hidden Jisoo in his closet that if he moved an inch, both of them would be screwed considering how quiet the room was.

"Oh honey, I have incredible news!" Aeyoung replied excitedly not really bothering to listen to what her son had to say in the first place.

Seokmin licked his lips before glancing at the closet momentarily and then proceeding to rub his temples. Aeyoung had a huge smile plastered on her face that didn't look like it could be erased any second, pissing Seokmin off at how wrong the timing was.

"Can't it wait ?" Seokmin frowned but Aeyoung only smiled wider as she took a hold of her son's hands, her eyes smiling brightly while Seokmin stared back at her blankly, confused as to what was going on.

"Donghoon and I are engaged!"

Seokmin's eyes widened at his mother's words, thinking he was being pranked and that this whole thing was a bad joke, not wanting to believe her as he took a moment to process what was happening.

There was no way..

"I'm sorry— did you say engaged?" he spoke lowly, his voice obliviously fading into a whisper as his eyes darkened.

"Isn't it perfect!?" Aeyoung spoke with the same excitement she had before, ignoring her son's cold stare and reaction thinking he was just dazed from waking up.

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