seven ☁️

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Jisoo stretched his arms as he yawned deeply, his hair was messier than usual and his eye bags didn't look like they'd be leaving any time soon. He rubbed his eyes lazily as he dragged his feet in the bathroom, mentally noting to knock this time.


Jisoo finished brushing his teeth and tossed his toothbrush to the side before he started undressing himself and jumped in the shower. The latter let the cold water run through his hair and body as he reached for a body wash, noticing he forgot to bring his own. Jisoo groaned as he looked at the variety of different scents. As he searched through them, he let his gaze wander through the fairly many options and different shaped bottles, the latter only grabbing the one that caught his attention.

He let his body bathe in the coconut rose mist as he applied it all over himself, humming at the relaxing feeling of water splashing on his back mixed with the beautiful scent that filled the entire room. And Jisoo swore he was not exaggerating when he thought this was the best thing he had ever smelled.

Jisoo quickly walked out of the shower before drying his body and jumping into his freshly changed clothes. He slowly opened the door ready to walk out before someone forcefully grabbed him by the wrist, entering the bathroom along with him and slamming the boy on the locked door before grabbing him by his collar.

Jisoo's heart was beating out of his chest with the guy's sudden action being nothing but startled as he witnessed the taller male looking at him straight into his eyes.

"L-let me go!" Jisoo struggled but pushed the latter by his chest, him backing out after he was told to do so. Seokmin looked rather angry and Jisoo would lie if he said he wasn't terrified.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Seokmin simply asked watching the older's cheeks heating up easily at their closeness.

"What are you even talking about?" Jisoo replied, thanking the lords above he spoke at him once without stuttering.

But Seokmin didn't look like he cared either way as he stared at the latter as if he's a total stranger to him. Seokmin licked his lips as the sudden dehydration overcame him before running his hand through his hair, pushing his fringe out of his eyes.

Jisoo gulped.

"Why the fuck are you in my house?" he spat dryly, the older only crossing his arms over his chest and wearing a frown at Seokmin's insulting choice of words.

"My grandma is sick so my dad had to leave town to look after her" Jisoo answered blankly, trying his hardest to avoid the amount of heat his entire body was covered in before continuing.

"He thought it was a good idea to let me stay here in the meantime" Seokmin glared at Jisoo and his words before eyeing him up and down.

"It's not a good idea, you should be staying far away from me" Seokmin rested his gaze on Jisoo's eyes, noting how this was the first time seeing him bare faced as the shorter tried his hardest not to let the words get to him.

"Look, i'm not excited about it either-"
"Just make sure to stay the hell away from me" Seokmin ordered him shoving Jisoo away from the door and walking out shortly after.

Jisoo's blood was boiling as he let Seokmin walk all over him once again, wanting to kick something really badly but stopped himself from doing so, remembering he was not in his own house.

"Whatever! I wasn't planning on doing so anyways!" He yelled before storming outside the room and slipping in his plain white converse.

"Hyung? Where are you going it's Saturday" Jaejin spoke softly noticing later on that Jisoo wasn't at a place to speak as anger and frustration washed him from head to toe. Jisoo sighed as he turned to look at his brother standing there with his broken plastic car toy, a worried expression painted on his face. The older looked down at the smaller boy, his expression immediately softening as Jaejin pouted.

"I'll be back soon Jaejin don't worry about me" He replied before closing the door quietly, leaving the boy alone with no one else but Seokmin locked in his own room, blasting music from his laptop while scrolling through his social media instead of working on his assignment, knowing better than anyone he could never get Soonyoung to work with him in the first place.

Jaejin wore a sad expression, knowing how rare it was for Jisoo and him to spend time together as his brother was always busy or tired. Saturday being Jisoo's only day off was often spent together with his brother, either watching movies, or playing lame games that Jaejin wholeheartedly enjoyed. But as Jaejin watched the closed door for a couple minutes more he realized Jisoo wasn't coming back and he was going to spend his first Saturday without him.

Jaejin sighed, head hanging low before hearing the loud music ring in his ears, suddenly snapping his head up and listening to the song carefully. Liking the sound, Jaejin allowed his feet to lead him the way, following the upbeat sound that filled the entire house.

He walked for a couple of seconds before stopping outside the room's door he guessed the sound was coming from and turned the doorknob slowly before walking inside.

Jaejin examined the place, firstly noticing how  the walls were painted a dark grey color and how it was arranged with aesthetic forest pictures which complimented the walls perfectly. He let his gaze wander before his eyes eventually landed on a comfortable seated Seokmin, quietly singing over the song which he had shamelessly listened to over twenty times this week and already knew every lyric by heart.

"Hi!" Jaejin exclaimed, wanting to socialize with the older as he was very fond of him and his mysterious personality. Seokmin didn't seem as pleased with the younger's sudden introduction as he suddenly jumped while muttering a quiet 'shit', turning his head to face a smiley Jaejin.

"What are you doing here?" He said after sighing deeply noticing how the boy would carry the plastic toy everywhere he went.

Jaejin simply shrugged, Seokmin also noticing how his hoodie was swallowing him whole to the point where he wouldn't see where his hands ended.

"I got lonely, and I followed the cool tune and it brought me here" Jaejin replied truthfully while Seokmin tried his hardest not to chuckle at the boy's words.

"No way, you like the song ?" Seokmin raised an eyebrow before grinning as he watched Jaejin nod positively, sighing as he threw the covers off of him and tossed his laptop to the side to walk towards the shorter.

"Where's your brother?" Seokmin questioned, as he kneeled down to meet the boy's height, placing a hand on his shoulder softly.

"He left just now" Seokmin frowned.
"Did he tell you where he went?" He asked, his voice sounding softer than ever but the younger's expression only saddened and Seokmin had instantly regretted asking him that, not liking the way Jaejin's eyes were painted with sadness and how his lips turned into a pout.

"No, but we were supposed to play together as we do every Saturday because that's the only day he is free"
Jaejin seemed absolutely devastated and looked like he was about to cry any second, already missing Jisoo's company. Seokmin scratched the back of his head before letting out a long sigh.

That idiot Hong Jisoo.

Seokmin fell into a deep thought as he felt like he had to do something about the current situation even though it didn't involve him, he couldn't bare to let the poor boy alone especially with this expression plastered on his face.

"I'll tell you what, do you want to play with me instead for today? I know i'm nowhere close to your brother but I thought it c-"

Jaejin's gaze had suddenly left the floor and greeted Seokmin's affectionate eyes before gasping in excitement and wrapping his arms around Seokmin's neck, startling the latter before hesitantly hugging back.

Is this how you hug people or am i doing it wrong?

"Come! I need to show you my car collection!" And with that, Jaejin had now dragged Seokmin out of his room, forgetting about everything that had occurred earlier. 


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