one ☁️

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Jisoo came back home with Soonyoung being half an hour late to come back from his last class which was clearly skipped and used to hook up with the girl he has been talking about for so long to the point where Jisoo was awfully unamused.

He touched his head and groaned as the headache from earlier was only growing stronger by the minute. When he unlocked his door, the only thing the latter wanted to do was fall on his bed and sleep the rest of the day off but when he heard loud laughter and voices coming from inside the house he knew it wasn't an option anymore.

"Son! You're back" His father announced. Jisoo not looking up as he was too busy taking off his white stained converse, noting he has to clean them soon as they still had coffee stains from work.
"Clearly" he muttered and suddenly he was being dragged by his little brother to come in the living room.

"Jaejin stop dragging me" The little boy was clearly not bothered to stop even after his brother's words and when they reached the living room the voices only got louder and Jisoo's headache only grew stronger.

"Jisoo! Come join us" a female voice said, Jisoo guessed it was Aeyoung but what is she doing here again ? doesn't she have a son to take care of?

Jisoo was now dizzy.

"Son! Let me properly introduce you to Aeyoung and her very talented son, Lee Seokmin"

Jisoo swore his heart dropped down to his ass and it stopped beating for a good five seconds before his eyes fell on the guy he stumbled on earlier today. The two boys looked at eachother as if they saw a ghost while their parents stood there, Jisoo's dad scratching his hand in confusion.

Jisoo swore he felt the world stop when Seokmin was staring at him with his very intimidating eyes and right before he knew it he collapsed on the ground, passing out.


"No no you're doing it wrong you need to raise his legs up in the air so he can gain consciousness back! not his head"

"Wasn't it just his head?"

"I think it's both"

Jisoo slowly opened his eyes and watched as three figures were gathered over him and one of them sitting on the couch on his phone.
"Please put my legs down" he said and his little brother jumped on him to take him into a hug, bawling his eyes out.

"I thought you were dead" he stated between sobs as Jisoo wrapped an arm around his younger brother smiling fondly at his innocence.

"I'm not dead see! I'm right here!" Jisoo flushed the biggest most sincere smile he could and was relieved when jaejin believed him and pulled back smiling as well.
Aeyoung rushed to give Jisoo a glass of water while his father was worriedly asking him if he was alright and if he was getting all of his vitamins like he should be doing. The whole house became a whole loud mess and everyone was falling into panic when Seokmin spoke up.

"Okay so when are we eating?" Seokmin started not even bothering to look up from his phone while scrolling through his social media. When he noticed that three heads had turned to look at him he raised his gaze to meet theirs as if he said the most shocking thing in the world.

What? Didn't he have the right to be starving?

"You could've at least asked if I was okay you know" Jisoo replied bitterly, hurt from the latter's arrogance. But Seokmin only seemed to shrug it off and go back to his phone since the others were not amusing to him anymore.

"You two know eachother?" Aeyoung questioned shortly after not letting their conversation escalate into something bigger knowing better than anyone her son's cold attitude.

The boys looked at eachother briefly before meeting her gaze.
Jisoo mentally facepalmed himself and Seokmin looked at the other angrily.
"I mean yeah i saw him at school today but that's all he is in my math class as well" Seokmin announced as Aeyoung nodded understandably.

"Well Jisoo since you're feeling better why don't you go show Seokmin around the place to make him feel more like home as we prepare dinner?"

"I'm sure he can manage that on his own" Jisoo crossed his arms as he watched Seokmin rolling his eyes at him.

"Jisoo where are your manners!"

"I'm just joking Dad, here follow me"
He gestured for Seokmin to come with him as he started heading to every room in their house Seokmin surprisingly following him behind. When Jisoo thought he showed him everything he stopped at the haul for the younger to catch up.

"So that's our house"
"What about your room?" Seokmin raised an eyebrow as the latter crossed his arms over his chest.
"What? Are you sleeping on the carpet or something? To be honest i'm not really surprised" Seokmin added and watched as Jisoo frowned, turning his hands into fists once again.

"Very funny, but i do have a room you're just not allowed in it"
Seokmin looked over Jisoo's head and noticed a door he didn't enter before today so without bothering to say anything he started walking towards it unamused, receiving a gasp from Jisoo.


Seokmin was now wandering around the room, his long index finger resting on his lips as he examined the place.

"Get out of my room!" was all Jisoo could stutter without wanting to slap this guy's smug  grin off his face.

"It has an awful lot of pink don't you think? And are those EXO posters on your wall?" Seokmin received a long groan and a facepalm from Jisoo who was being tortured by Seokmin's annoying attitude.

"Okay you've seen my room can we leave now?" Jisoo argued but Seokmin only walked off to close the door, locking it afterwards.

"Did you just lock us inside my room?"
"We need to talk about the fact that our parents are dating" Seokmin announced eyeing the guy boringly as Jisoo was trying hard to avoid his stare sighing.

"You're right, my dad.. i've never seen him this happy they must be pretty serious"

Seokmin rested his back on the door and licked his lips for the lack of hydration.

"As much as i hate to say this we need to find a way to get along" Jisoo added, Seokmin bursting into laughter not even a second after at the latter's words but stopped after looking at him twice and not finding any source of humor into his expression. Seokmin's face turned into one of disgust after realizing the guy was in fact not joking and was actually being serious.

"Wait are you being serious?"
"Do i look like i'm joking?"

Seokmin chuckled as he walked closer to Jisoo and watched as he got more tense the closer he got before clenching his jaw.

"I'm going to say this once and it will not be repeated"
Jisoo gulped and felt his heart stopping at their closeness. Seokmin was now three inches apart from his mouth and Jisoo swore he was going to pass out for the second time today.
"Our parents having an affair does not mean i am going to form any sort of relationship with a nerd like you"
Jisoo wanted to flip him off but was cut off after Seokmin pushed him back, his back greeting the wall. Unlocking the door and walking out.

Jisoo felt his heart beat out of his chest and his pants suddenly felt small around his legs.
He gasped as he quickly run and locked himself in his room's bathroom and looked down at his throbbing member poking out from his pants.


This Means War. // SEOKSOO Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora