two ☁️

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Joshua was sitting peacefully in his sit waiting for the teacher's arrival as the class had now transformed into one big yelling paper throwing mess. People were unnecessarily banging on their desks and laughing at each others jokes, throwing papers and not being seated in their appropriate positions. Joshua cringed as Seokmin was shamelessly making out with a girl in the corner of the room, making his blood boil.

But why did Jisoo even care? He didn't feel anything friendly towards Seokmin so why was it hurting him so bad after seeing him with some random girl? It was none of his business and he knew that but when they kept going and didn't look like stopping any second something got the best of him and decided to stand up and walk towards their direction.

"If you're going to eat eachother's faces there are many empty rooms in the building that are not occupied to please your needs"
Jisoo was so proud of himself for not stuttering throughout the entire sentence but his little moment of self esteem was crushed when Seokmin turned his head slowly and looked at the guy up and down as if he was some sort of joke.

"Awh, what's wrong sweetheart are you still mad I didn't give you my number a week ago?" Seokmin had a smug grin on his face as everyone turned to look at the two boys. Oh's could be heard around the classroom from almost everyone but Jisoo didn't flinch.

"I never wanted your stupid number in the first place you just made this up to make everyone have something to laugh and gossip about for the first week but that's enough! I'm tired of your stupid games Seokmin you can trick any other person in this room to fall for you but not me so freaking quit your act already!"  Jisoo spat angrily while everyone else fell into complete silence Jisoo felt their gazes burning his back but he didn't care he had to let everyone know his truth one way or another.

But Seokmin was now smirking and started laughing at him while everyone else simply followed without any second thoughts. Who was going to believe a nobody like him? People barely knew he existed after being in this school for two years while Seokmin arrived only a week ago and everyone in the building knew about him. He didn't stand a chance.

"You know what Jisoo I get that we all have our own preferences but please keep your weird gay fantasies away from me okay?" he smiled down at him and half the class gasped at his words while the rest were laughing their hearts out making fun of the small boy who stood scarily in front of Seokmin while he had literal smoke coming out of his ears.

"You little b-"
"That's enough!" the teacher entered the classroom glaring at the both of them while approaching them with quick steps before turning to Jisoo.

"Are you the cause of this mess?" Jisoo blinked twice while sweat had started forming on his forehead.

"I um, yes but he started it!" he quickly pointed at Seokmin who was too busy cleaning the board pretending he wasn't into a fight a second earlier. He's slick he had to hand it to him but he was not going to get out of this one.

Seokmin turned ever so innocently and gave them a confused look.
"Lee is that true?" the teacher asked strictly but Seokmin only pretending not to even know what the situation was about pissed Jisoo off since the teacher was somehow buying his stupid act.
"I'm going to have to disagree sir, he started yelling at me for cleaning the board in the wrong direction but i just wanted to offer some extra help" the guy explained and watched as Jisoo was literally red and ready to flip tables.

"You liar!"
"That's enough Hong!"
"But he-"
"You're going to be sent at detention two hours after school for yelling inside the class! This behavior can not and will not go unnoticed in your grades either! now go!" 
The teacher spat and Jisoo felt tears forming in his eyes as he looked behind the man and found Seokmin smiling and waving down at him.
He left the room with his eyes glued on his stained white converse and closed the door behind him once he was out, heading towards the cafeteria.


"Just as i thought the day couldn't get any worse" he whispered at himself while sitting alone in the empty room.

"Why are you even bothering with him Joshua, he's right no one needs your weird gay fantasies anyways" he muttered at himself as he let his tears run down his cheeks mentally cursing at himself for causing all this in the first place. Jisoo liked the cafeteria while it was empty, he only got to experience it twice, once today and once when he went to school super early thinking he was running late but was actually one hour early.

This place calmed him down even when people were gathered, filling all the empty tables while laughter was echoing around the room. It had this calm era that felt like home. Jisoo wasn't sure why, but concluded it was probably due to the fact that he was also working at the kitchen as well when the coffee stand was being taken care of from his coworkers.

Jisoo's tears dried down on his cheeks making his eyes really red and puffy and his nose formed a bright red color. Jisoo looked around again to see if anyone was there but sighed in relief when no one caught his attention, completely oblivious to the fact that Seokmin had excused himself to the bathroom and witnessed the whole thing.

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