eight ☁️

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A/N: i literally shouldn't be updating that late cause the chapters always end up being messy but hello.

Jisoo sat comfortably at Soonyoung's bed as they both stayed silent, watching the couple fight on the drama they had chosen to watch half an hour ago.

"Why are you so cold I never did anything to you!" the girl in the movie screamed and Jisoo threw a handful of popcorn in his mouth while Soonyoung was half asleep, not really being fond of romantic movies in the first place.

Jisoo on the other hand, was a hopeless romantic and romantic films was one of the few things he absolutely adored and would spend hours binge watching. Plus, it was his coping mechanism and since he hadn't ever experienced being in love or ever been in a serious relationship he found it amusing observing all kinds of love stories, even as cheesy as they got. So there he was, on his best friend's house, seated comfortably in his bed and analyzing the whole story in his head, refusing to go back home, knowing that if he did, he'd had to phase Seokmin and Jisoo wasn't mentally prepared to do that just yet.

"I don't want to know you, I never did! So stay away from me!" the man yelled and Jisoo rolled his eyes trying to avoid thinking about the resemblance the couple had with him and Seokmin as he continued shoving popcorn in his mouth and swallowing it at once.

"Why are you so mysterious and secretive all the time i'm just trying to help you!" The girl in the movie was now crying and Jisoo groaned in annoyance.

"Are you freaking kidding me!" Jisoo yelled, completely ignoring the fact that his friend was fast asleep and drooling on his pillow.

The movie continued and the boy had now driven off with his jet black motorcycle leaving the girl behind mad and frustrated. Jisoo would be banging his head on some wall at that moment but stopped himself from doing so, remembering Soonyoung could wake up any second and he was not in the mood to explain himself. So all Jisoo could do is to stay there groaning along with the girl in the drama as he watched the guy drive off with his motorcycle.

"Whatever she doesn't need you anyways!" He yelled switching the TV off and tossing the remote somewhere on the bed, not really caring if it hit Soonyoung's head accidentally.  Jisoo let his head rest on his hands as he sighed deeply.

I'm never going to avoid him, am I?

Jisoo thought it was getting ridiculous as no matter what he did he'd always come across something that would remind him of the guy. He sighed deeply as he glanced outside the window and noticed it was already getting pretty dark outside and that he should probably start heading back home before he threw on his shoes and walked out of the apartment not bothering to tell his friend he was leaving as he closed the door and rushed to get to the bus stop.

"Stupid guy with his stupid motorcycle and his stupid mysteriously hot personality" he accidentally voiced outloud receiving a weird look from an older lady and what seemed to be her son.

Jisoo ruffled his own hair, creating a mess that he was too lost in his own thoughts to fix as he kicked a rock he found laying on the pavement. Why was Jisoo even going home since he didn't want to face Seokmin again?

The older was too tired to be mad at the fact that he had walked way too far and missed the bus stop as he continued walking his way home, the idea of him forgetting about something rather important constantly following him.

As he let the wind blow his fringe out of his eyes he paused his thoughts as realization suddenly hit him. Jisoo gasped as he placed his palm over his mouth, mentally cursing at himself for being so ignorant about something so important. He slowly found himself picking up a faster pace as he ended up running his way back to Seokmin's house and wiping the sweat that formed on his forehead with the back of his palm.

This Means War. // SEOKSOO जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें