Fall In Love With The Enemy (Edited)

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The big yet normal sized room was very dark. That due to the dark grey walls along with the dark furniture that not only made the room look smaller but drained the light from it. On top of that, the only source of light was covered by pitch black curtains, only a strike of the morning light going through, hitting uncomfortably the owner who was soundless sleeping in the dark covers of his medium-sized dark wooden bed.

The hoarse groan of annoyance escaping his lips as he grabbed one of his two pillows and slammed it on his face. He was not a morning person that far was known.

His tall posture had curled up making him seem smaller, his black t-shirt along with his Grey pants were mixing with the dark blankets on his bed and his black messy hair which had went at every direction looked even darker under the low lighting.

His eyelids didn't felt heavy but neither light thanks to his night patrol. Killing and hunting down demons all night was truly an exciting yet exhausting exercise. However, it was not just that. For the man it was more than just an exercise. It was his job.

Hunting demons means killing to protect. His job was given, ordered even, by the angels. He was created and was gifted for only one reason, to protect the mundanes of the shadow world. And it would have been easier if they weren't such curious creatures.
So many victims because they couldn't mind their own business. But he had to admit, recently, more demons seems to appear and cause madness all over the world...

The clave has his suspicions but can't be sure of them. So, to understand the situation and find ways to solve whatever is happening, in order to secure the unprotected mundane while keep the balance between the two worlds, is exhausting their soldiers, making them reach their limit.

But that's a job for a shadow hunter, a nephiln, there is no room to protest.

Alec sigh, he didn't know what time it was but he really didn't want to look and be blinded. He decided laying even for a little was much more worth than picking out and waking up.

But, he didn't really need to.

His door was slammed open and the loud sound of hills on the hard wooden floor was confirming his suspicions of who the intruder might be.

"Alec wake up already, it's almost dinner time." The female voice didn't hold any anger or frustration, just inpatience which wasn't enough for the male nephiln to wake up. Alec straight up ignored her.


The ignorance was making the air heavy but not heavy enough to make the half asleep nephiln to listen to her.


To tell that the naphiln was getting pissed would be a misunderstanding.
He grabed the pillow on top of his head and threw it at his sister with no shame.

"Hey!-Do I need to remind you that you are twenty three years old!?"
Izzy said with a huff, she should have expected the flying pillow. She had learn both the bad and the good ways that her grumpy big brother did not like waking up, especially forced to wake up.... He despised it.

"That's what you get for annoying your big brother." Alec mumbled as his face was buried deep in his other pillow. 

"My big brother needs to get ready because we have a meeting for our new mission." Izzy said now forming a smile that turned into a playful giggle as Alec had jumped off his bed and started getting ready as quick as he can because one thing he hated was being late. Izzy shaking her head in amusement, yet still with a smile, left the room.

Alec didn't take more than five minutes to be completely ready and storming down the hallway towards the meeting room. He cursed himself in his mind, being late was something he never did. He had learned the hard way that being late is a mistake a professional warrior such himself should never do, that will only bring shame and dishonor upon his family name. That of course had being thought by no other than his parents, the heads of two Institutes, NY and California Institute.

Fall in love with the enemy (Malec+Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now