Fall In Love With The Enemy

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Magnus and the others had been walking for 6 hours now. They were tired and it was getting dark.
It was snowing like crazy and there was a high possibility of getting lost.

"I think I see a cave!"
Izzy almost yelled.
"Perfect, we can spend the night there or at least until the snow storm stops."
Said Jace.

Alec nodded and everyone started making their way there.
As the last of them entered the cave magnus set a barrier so the cold air and snow won't get in the cave.

Jace sat down and let out a long sigh.
He was exhausted.
Clary went and cuddle beside him.
Magnus then snapped his fingers making a warm fire to appear in the middle.
Izzy sat in front of the fire.
Alec was started walking deeper in the cave but was stopped by Magnus.
"Where are you going?"

Alec turned and walked closer to Magnus.
"What if a wild animal lives here?"
"Then I will do another barrier to stop the animal from going near us."
Said Magnus with a convincing smile and grabbed Alec's arm gently.
Alec nodded defeated and let Magnus drag him close to the others.

Magnus made food to appear and everyone ate until they didn't have enough space to their stomach.

Jace was the first to fall asleep followed by Clary who fall asleep beside him.
Izzy, Magnus and Alec were still awake.

"So are you guys boyfriends?"
Said Izzy with a big smile.

Alec couldn't hide his smile.
"Pretty much."

Alec had his back leaning at the rocky wall and Magnus had his back leaning against Alec's chest. Magnus had took Alec's palms and was playing with Alec's and his fingers while he had a satisfying smile on his face.

"So what are you guys gonna do after the mission?"
Said Izzy, the smile never leaving her lips.

Magnus said still playing with their fingers.

"What about mom?"
Said Izzy more worryed.

Magnus flinched a little. Did Izzy not know about Jonathan?

"I don't care about her nor this Sebastián guy."
Said Alec a little annoyed.

"Who Sebastian?"
Said Magnus and turned to look at Alec with frown eyebrows.

"It's no one really. Mom just had the great idea that I should get together with that blond shadow hunter."
Said Alec with a shrug.

Before Magnus was able to say anything Izzy said

"Because she didn't want me to end up with a downworlder again."
Said Alec.
Izzy nodded, she apperetly knew about Jonathan.
"And why I am not aware of this? And who is this Sebastian guy!? "
Said Magnus glaring at Alec.

" It's the blond shadow hunter that wouldnt stop following me. And I didn't tell you anything because there was no need to.....and I kinda forgot about him."
Said Alec while looking into Magnus's beautiful brown eyes.

Magnus was prossessing.
Then he remembered. It was the blond dude that said" I will miss you" to his Alexander.
Magnus also remembered their small talk.
Magnus was laughing and Sébastian had glared at him and asked him why was he laughing.
Magnus answered " Because you think that you have something that you don't."
And then he made sure to tell Sebastian that Alexander had already fallen for him and that he has zero change...... So to clear up things.
And after that he made a dramatic exit.
He couldn't help but made an evil smirk to appear.
Alec frown his eyebrows.

Fall in love with the enemy (Malec+Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now