Fall In Love With The Enemy

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Magnus pov....

The ride was enjoyable.
Me and Alexander started talking about jeneral thoughts and other stuff .
I learned even more stuff about him and that made me happy.

" Magnus, how would you describe me with one word?"
Alec asked out of the blue.

"Well, Alexander I don't think I can."
I said simply.

He asked with frown eyebrows.

"Because you can't describe perfection with only one word.... Oh,I just did. "
I said and winked at him.

He immediately looked elsewhere, Propably to hide his emmberasment.
I chuckled.

"How would you describe me with one word Alexander?"
I asked with my playful tone.

He said and looked at me.

Only one word from his mouth was enough to make my heart skip a beat .

I was gazing at him not caring about my surrounding .

I felt

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I felt.... Love for Alexander.
And... I want to be with him, despite the fact that that I am a Worlock and he a shadow hunter.
I had never felt that kind of love for anyone. Alexander was special. Alexander was the one who could heal my loneliness and feal my emptyness.

"Magnus..... I have to tell you samething."
Said Alec while he was leaning closer to me.

"What is it Alexander?"
I said calmly and started leaning closer to him.

We were lost at each other's eyes.
Alec then said
"I-I think t-that I-I li-"


We both snapped back to reality and relise how far we were from the others.
I looked at Jace angrily. I started thinking that he may doing this on purpose.

We reached the others. Alexander started talking with his sister about the mission while I was giving my death stare to Jace, something that I learned to do from chairmen meow.

Jace looked at me socked .
As I was staring into his eyes with my death stare not blinking, he started breathing heavier.

After a minute I could see a drop of sweat escaping from his forehead.

Then I smirked at him as I have made myself clear and snuggle my head on Alexander's back.

Then Alexander move the horse and started going faster and so did Izy.

Clary: Jace, are you okay?
Said worryed as she saw her boyfriend looking terrified.

Jace: I think that I have done a big mistake.
Said Jace still looking to were Magnus was.

Clary raised an eyebrow : What mistake?

Jace: I. Don't. Know..... But I must have done something.
Said Jace still looking at where Magnus was.

Fall in love with the enemy (Malec+Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now