Fall In Love With The Enemy

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??? : CLARY!!! LOOK OUT!!!

Clary: - looks up- pieces of glass were falling directly on her.
Clary froze, Jace was too far to save her and Izy was nowhere to be seen. Clary thought " that is the end '' when she felt someone grabbing her and pulling her away at the last second.

She looked who was it, it was Alec.
Alec was the one who yelled "look out"at her , Clary didn't expect Alec to save her. Not even to care for her.

Then Alec let go of her and grabbed a piece of glass that had went into his skin from his arm that had stabbed him and removed it .

The room was almost empty. There were still downwordles screaming and running out.

Then Jace and Izy rushed towards Alec and Clary.

Jace: are you okey!? (said while looking at Clary)

Alec roll his eyes.

Clary just nodded still shocked.
I mean she could have died if Alec wasn't there. That made her question Alecs personality.

Jace hugged Clary. He couldn't bare the idea of losing her.

Izy went directly at her brother.

Izy: Alec are you Okey!?

Alec: (looked Izy with an ironic look)
Yes, I am fine. I just got a piece of glass in my arm. (said with an ironic and angry tone)

Izy: I am just worried Alec!

Alec :.... I know.(said with calm tone)

Izy : we should get out of here.

Jace : Okey.

Clary : - gave a small nod-

When they turned to the exit they saw
around 20 - 30 men.

They gave a "red flag" feeling. They were walking in and every one else was running out.

Alec reached for his bow.

All the men stopped same feet away and looked at the shadow hunters. Every one (Clary, Jace, Izy, Alec) where ready to fight.

All the men then maid a creepy smile and revival their true self. Everyone looked the same. discusting.

Alec was about to give orders as a leader when the building tremple again, but much stronger

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Alec was about to give orders as a leader when the building tremple again, but much stronger.

And a high class demon apeard at the enterens/exit (there was only one way to get out). He grabbed the wall above the door and pushed it so he can go in, as a result cracks appeared at the building (as the building was already pretty old, that wasnt helping the situation. )
That made some peaces from the wall to fall to the floor.

The high class demon broke some walls and half part of the second floor so he can feat inside the building. The building was slowly falling apart.

Jace: Let's leave!

Alec: What!?

Jace: We leave now or die!

Alec: What about the Demons and the downwordles?!?!

Jace:The Demons are going to die anyways! The building will fall on them!!

Alec: What about the downwordles!?

Jace: Who cares!!

Alec got angry.

Alec : No.

Jace : what?!?!

Alec : NO!!!

Said Alec and started shouting at the normal Demons. Killing them one by one. Izy did the same and later Clary followed.

Jace: - sigh- I can't believe them. (said and started fighting)

Alec took a step back and started analising the high class demon.

He looked something like that:
(I don't own the picture)

He looked something like that:(I don't own the picture)

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Alec: Izy!

Izy: (looked Alec)

Alec : Let's take care of the big guy before he destroys the whole building.

Izy : ( smiled and rushed beside Alec)

Jace: What about us!?

Clary : We can take care the rest! (said while she killed one normal size demon)

Jace: why do we have to do the boring stuff!

Said Jace and started to fight with Clary.

Magnus pove

I can't believe I met again Clary after all this years!

Anyways I should go find if there is any trapped downwordler, the building moved again a lot more than the first time. I don't think it is an earthquake, something else is going on.

I went through all the rooms everyone was running away after some minutes no one was in the house, or so I thought.

I made a spell to see if there is anyone at the building. There are 6 people and Aperently some Demons!?

Every one was at the first floor. I went and saw Clary fight with a blond guy same Demons. And the girl who I saw with Ragnor? She is a shadow hunter!? Wait a minute! It's him! Alec!
He.... He is a shadow hunter?

Well, thats a big disappointment...
As I said that, the girl grabbed the arm of the demon with her whip and Alec had his bow and arrow ready to shoot.
But then the demon  pushed a big column which was falling directly at a woman. Wait a minute I KNOW HER!
It's Caterina!! One of my closest friends! she had blood on her head so I assumed that she hitted  it somehow and pass out.

I was about to do something when I see Alec running towards her and pull her away at the last seconds.
My heart stopped for second.

Or not....

Fall in love with the enemy (Malec+Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now