Chapter 1

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Hi, this is my first fanfic so don't be a hater plz.

*Ty's POV*

I walked to my best friend Adam's house and started to think....No, he would never.... Stop thinking like that, Ty! He would be waiting for me there. He said he wanted to record with him and I just couldn't say no.

After all, I like him. Even though he is my best friend, I hope that one day, soon, we can be more than that.

As I arrived at Adam's house, I heard some sort of small dog barking. Did Adam get another dog? But he already has Rascal.

I rang the doorbell and soon after, was greeted by a pair of beautiful hazel eyes, and a friendly smile.

*Sky's POV*

I heard the doorbell ring faintly over the sound of barking. It's Ty. I swiftly got up and set down an adorable little pug. I headed towards the door, hopping over dogs who were running to see who it was. I opened the door and was greeted by an amazing pair of sparkly brown eyes, and an enchanting, toothy smile.

"Come in, Ty!" I said.

"Hi, Adam! Who's this little guy?" Ty said, pointing to the little black pug.

"Oh, he's actually not mine."

"Then whose is he?"

"He's yours, Ty. I got you a puppy!" I said, blushing and I handed the dog to Ty and hugged him.

"Thank you so much, Adam! This means so much to me! I think I'll call him Toby." Ty said. I thought I saw him blushing. We made our way to the couch and sat down before he buried his face behind his arms. He was crying tears of joy. He looks so adorable when he cries. Or when he does anything, really.

"Ty, can I tell you something?"

"What is it?" Ty said between sobs.

I moved closer to Ty and whispered in his ear.

"I love you."


Not bad for a first chapter, huh? I hope you all enjoyed and right after this, the second chapter will be posted, so have fun and stay spicy.

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