Chapter 16

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*Ty's POV*

After I locked Adam out of our room for the second time, I sat in the corner of the room and cried. I cried, remembering all of the horrible things my sister had done to me. Remembering how I hadn't done anything about it. I just moved out without an explanation. I couldn't take it anymore.

(I bet you all know where this is going now.)

I got up and unlocked the door. I quietly snuck past Adam, making my way to the bathroom. Once I got there, I went into the closet (yes, there is a closet in the bathroom) and grabbed a box. It wasn't a very large box, but not a very small one either. I reached inside and grabbed a small metal blade. It was dull but still sharp enough. I pulled out the gauze that was in the box, and began to drag the blade across my skin. It hurt but it helped. No, Ty! It doesn't help! Stop it! You're only gonna make this worse! I thought to myself.

I dropped the blade. I looked at the cuts I made on my wrist and counted them. 8. 8 cuts for 8 years of my life I will never get back. I grabbed the gauze and wrapped my arm up and I cleaned off the blade and put it away. I was about to walk out, not caring if Adam saw my arm or my puffy eyes when I opened the door. Adam was standing in the living room. With my sister.

"Adam, what in the hell is she doing here?" I gestured to the door with my bandaged arm.

"The real question is, why is your arm bandaged up?" Adam asked me.

"It's nothing! Just tell me why she's here!"

"No! Ty, tell me what you did in there! Don't tell me you cut because I swear to god, Ty if you cut I could never forgive myself!"

"Adam, I'm... I'm so sorry." I crumpled to the ground, sobbing. Adam and Angie ran to help me, but I pushed them away.

"Ty, you have to calm down!"

"Why- why should I tr- trust you?!" I yelled at Angie, shoving her arm away from me.

"Because I'm your sister and I will always be here for you. No matter what." I just glared at her. "I have never been so sorry in my entire life, Ty. I'm ashamed of what I did to you and I know I can't take it back, but you at least have to let me try to fix things between us! Just please let me fix things. Please."

I calmed down to the point where the only feeling I felt was numbness. I was numb from my head down to my toes.

"Okay." I said, getting up and waking into the bedroom, locking the door behind me.

"Ty, you can't do this again!" Adam yelled, but I ignored him. I needed some time alone for a little while. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.

Dear Adam,

I know you're probably wondering where I've gone to, but don't worry. I'm fine. Don't come looking for me because I need some time alone. To figure things out. I will be back soon enough. I love you, my darling.

Love, Ty.

I put the note on the nightstand, grabbed my keys and climbed out of the window. I climbed down the tree and down to the ground. Angie's car was gone. I opened the door to my car and drove away. Adam know where I'm going, I just hope he doesn't figure it out.

*Adam's POV*

Ty's been in the bedroom for almost an hour now, but I get the feeling he's not actually in there. I grab a coin and unlock the door. I was right. He's gone. I look around the dimly lit room and find a piece of paper on the nightstand. I pick it up and read it.

"God damnit! I can't believe this!" I slam my fists on the nightstand.

Then, I hear the front door open.


Ooh, cliffhanger!!! Where do you think Ty went? Who opened the door? See you guys later! Have fun and stay spicy! Bai!!

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