Chapter 15

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*Ty's POV*

"Ty? This is Angie. Your sister." The woman on the line said.

I sat there, tears growing in my eyes.

"Ty, I know you probably don't want to talk to me. But please listen." She pleaded, noting that I was still on the other end of the line.

"Why should I listen to you? You've caused me enough trouble."

"Ty. Please listen to me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I know this probably won't make a difference, but I'm sorry."

"Ty, it's okay. Sshhh. Calm down. It's okay." Adam whispered to me, holding me and stroking my arms. I was sobbing into his chest. I stopped to calm down before I could answer my sister.

"How should I know you won't hurt me again?" I paused, holding back tears. "How should I know you aren't lying when you tell me you're sorry?"

"Trust me."

"The last time I trusted you, I ended up with cuts on my wrists and bruises on my sides."

*Adam's POV*

"The last time I trusted you, I ended up with cuts on my wrists and bruises on my sides." Ty said.

The first thing I thought was the worst thing. Did Ty cut? Oh no, tell me he didn't cut.

"Ty, did you? You used to?"

"Yes, Adam. I will explain later, just calm down."

"Angie, I will not let you hurt me or my boyfriend."

"I'm not going to hurt anybody! I just want to talk to you! Will you just listen to me?"

"Angie..... I will call you later. Right now I just want to be alone."

"I understand." She said goodbye and Ty hung up.

I can't believe this. Ty used to harm himself. And I wasn't there for him.

"Adam, before you say anything, let me explain." He cleared his throat, "Yes, Adam, before I met you, I used to cut. My sister made fun of me because I'm bi. She told me I could either love one or the other. Not both. She called me horrible words that I do not wish to repeat. She beat me up and I never did anything about it. When I met you, it got worse. So I moved out. She caused me to self harm, but after I met you, I stopped and I moved out. End of story." He got up, went into the bedroom and closed and locked the door.

He stayed in there for two hours.

Ty, please

I know you're in there

I've been wondering how you've been

I'll tell you to have courage

And I hope you'll try to

I'm right out here for you

Just let me in

I sang to Ty. I heard a slight chuckle and the click of a lock. I opened the door and hugged him.

"Ty, I just want you to know that I love you no matter what and nothing will ever happen to you as long as I'm around."

He said nothing. He just sobbed into my chest.

"And Ty?" He looked up at me. "You should call your sister now." I handed him his phone, but he pushed it away.

"No, Adam."

"Ty." I said, a bit of anger peeking through my voice.

"Adam, I will not talk to her."

"Ty, you can't run away from your problems. They will catch up to you soon enough." I walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving Ty on the other side. I heard the click of a lock again.

"God damnit, Tyler Ellis!" I sighed heavily and plopped onto the couch. I unlocked Ty's phone and called his sister.


Ooooh drama! Have fun and stay spicy, guys! I will have another chapter out soon!

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