Chapter 7

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The Next Day

*Sky's POV*

I woke up at 8:30 and noticed that Ty wasn't in my bed. I got up and walked towards the bathroom, but I heard the shower water running, so I went into the living room and checked to see if everyone was awake. Jerome and Mitch were cuddling on the couch. Ty was in the shower.

I ran back into my room, grabbed my clothes and hopped into the bathroom.

"Hey, Ty!"

*Ty's POV*

I heard the bathroom door open and then Adam say something.

"Hey, Ty!"

"Adam what the hell are you doing?" I asked, peeking my head around the curtains.

"Oh, I don't know. I was just gonna take a shower with my boyfriend, is all." Adam smiled and started stripping off his clothes.

"Alright, but it's gonna be a little tight in here." I said, reaching over to get the shampoo. As I turned around, Adam's face was centimeters away from mine.

"Perfect." He said, giving me a small kiss on the forehead.

"Haven't I told you before not to be a tease, Adam?" I playfully asked while putting shampoo in his wet hair.

"Fine." Adam giggled and put shampoo in my hair in return.

We were rinsing out the shampoo when I got some in my eye.

"Ow, fuck!" I shouted.

"Now, Ty. Watch your language mister!"

"Sorry, mom." I chuckled while rinsing the soap out of my eye.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso. I could feel Adam's warm, steady breath as we stood there, his forehead on mine.  Our lips met and Adam's hands moved to the back of my head and side of my face as we kissed in the shower.

*Adam's POV*

We broke our kiss and Ty turned off the water, got out and handed me a towel. We dried off and put our clothes on and walked out into the living room. Mitch and Jerome must have heard us because they turned around and they had silly grins on their faces.

"Did you guys take a shower together?"

"No, we just happened to be in two different bathrooms, taking showers at the same time!" Ty said sarcastically.

I went into the kitchen, with Ty following me like a puppy, and got some breakfast.

"Oh, shit, I forgot!" I said, pressing my palm against my forehead.

"What is it Adam?"

"You're moving in with me today!" I smiled and picked Ty up and spun him around.

"Haha, I forgot too." Ty grinned and took my orange juice from the counter, took a sip and left.

"Ty, why you gotta take my juice?" I said, flailing my arms in the air.

"Because I'm lazy!" Ty shouted from the living room.

I sighed and walked over to the couch. I sat down and picked Ty up and put him on my lap and started tickling him.

"Hahahahaha- Ada-hahaha- Adam- s-s-stop! Hahahahahahaha!" Ty squealed.

"Guys, can you keep it down, we are trying to watch spongebob, here!" Mitch said.


It was about 1:00 when we headed over to Ty's house to pack up his stuff. It wasn't that far of a walk, it was just two houses down from mine.


A few hours later, we finished packing and brought all of Ty's stuff to my house. By now it was about 4:00 so we decided to eat because we were all starving. We ordered some pizza, and when it got here, we ate all of it. After we finished eating, I was exhausted.

"Ty, I'm going to bed."

"Ok, me too." He said, yawning. Man, he was cute when he yawned.

I got to the bed and layed down, Ty, soon after me and he snuggled up against me, his head under my chin. Then we fell asleep.


Yay! Chapter 7!

I'm sleepy because it's 1:41 am so I'm gonna go to sleep. See ya! Have fun and stay spicy! Love ya!! Bai!!!

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