Chapter 18

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*Adam's POV*

I stumble dizzily out of the bedroom, still unable to comprehend the fact that my fiancé just ran away.

"Adam, what's wrong? Where's Ty?" Jerome says with a look of concern appearing on his face.

I say nothing, and instead, I fall into the floor, sobbing hysterically.

"Seriously, Adam what happened?!" Mitch shouts, trying to get me to calm down.

I sit up, still sobbing, and wipe away the tears that keep coming. I pull myself together, enough to tell them what happened, but I struggle to speak and stutter on my words.

"And t-then he-he left this n-n-note." I whimpered, handing them the tear soaked letter. They read it, sadness and concern engulfing their eyes.

"Do you know where he might have gone to?" Mitch asks calmly and sternly.

"I don't know. But I have a few places in mind. But, Ty wouldn't go to the arcade without me. And he won't set foot in a bar. That leaves his parents house, but it's just a vague guess that he would be there. He hasn't been there in such a long time."

"Adam, you need to go there. You need to get Ty back home. Safe. He loves you and you love him. You two need each other and you know it. So get up off of the floor right now and go find him." Jerome says, standing up and pointing to the door. I nod, grab my keys and slip on my shoes, and head out to find Ty.

As I'm driving, I start to think. Not the good kind of thinking, but the bad kind. The kind where you only think of the bad things.

What if Ty tried to kill himself?

What if he got in an accident?

What if his sister kidnapped him? No, she wouldn't do that.

But..... What if Ty ran away because he doesn't love me?

What if he never loved me?

I start to cry but remember that only thinking of bad things will make everything harder on myself.

I will find him.

We will be together again.

As soon as I finish my thought, I arrive at a large gate. I know where I am now.

He has to be here.

I pull up to the gate and press the button, which makes a buzzing sound. I wait a few seconds until I hear the static and crackling of the intercom. And I hear a voice. The voice I have been waiting to hear.

"Hello? Who is it?" Ty asks, seeming a bit shaky.

"Ty? Oh thank goodness! I thought you wouldn't be here! Let me in, I'm coming to talk to you!"

"Okay." He said. I pulled up into the driveway and ran to the door, embracing Ty in a warm hug.

*Time skip to the end of last chapter because I don't want to rewrite everything*

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