Chapter 3

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*Still Ty's POV*

Adam's lips were pressed against my own as I took a few seconds to react. Soon, we were kissing. Our lips moved in synchronized motions for a few minutes until we broke apart for air.

"We should probably go record now, Ty." Adam got up off the couch and headed towards the stairs, suggesting that we go set up.

"Yeah, we should." I blushed, as Adam and I swiftly walked up the stairs to his recording room.

It finally happened.

The whole time we were recording, I was thinking about how the fans and our friends would react. Most of them would be extremely excited considering that skylox is now real. But there would be a few haters out there. But they can't get to me. Not now. Not when my best friend, the man I love, is now mine.

"Um, Ty?" Adam asked, looking over at me with a slightly worried look on his face. I guess I hadn't talked for a while.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, I just spaced out for a second there. What were you saying?"

"I was just going to wrap up the video before you spaced out, remember?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Remember to smash that like button with your nose and go check out Ty's channel in the description below, as well as subscribe to my channel! I'll see you guys later, BYE!!"

"Bye!" We finished the outro and just before I cut the facecam off, Adam leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Adam! I didn't cut the facecam off yet!"

"Haha oops! But it's the perfect time to make a vlog!" Adam chuckled and pulled out his vlogging camera.

He turned it on and adjusted it so it was facing both of us.

"Hey guys, Sky here! And I'm with Ty and we have an announcement to make! Ty would you like to tell them?"

"Yeah, sure! So, as of today, skylox is a real thing now! This is not a joke, I'm not playing with your fangirl emotions. Adam and I are dating!" I smiled and Adam turned my head and kissed me on the lips, and I stopped recording.

I broke away from Adam and looked at the time. "11:00." The numbers on the monitor read.

"Adam, I'm tiiireed!" I whined.

"Well then maybe we should go to bed then." Adam winked. He stood up and picked me up out of my chair, bridal style, and walked to his bedroom.

He put me down and I got changed into some of his clothes. When I was done, so was Adam, and we hopped into bed and I snuggled up against his chest so my head was under his chin and I was listening to his heartbeat. Bum.. Bum.. Bum. It started getting slower as he fell deeper into sleep, and I fell asleep soon after.


Chapter three!!! Hooray!!! I don't know what the next chapter will be about, but I will think of something. But for now, hope you enjoyed, and remember to have fun and stay spicy!!

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