Chapter 10

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*2 Weeks Later* (I know, big time skip.)

*Mitch's POV*

Jerome and I had only been dating for almost a month now, but I just knew that I would want to spend the rest of my life with him someday. I can only hope that he feels the same. I think I might go buy a ring on Saturday. I could get Ty, Adam, and Jordan to come help. I just have to keep him from getting suspicious for three days.

*Time skip to Saturday*

*Jerome's POV*

Mitch has been very jittery these past few days. Every time I give him a kiss on his face, he starts to stutter and refuse to look me directly in the eyes.

"Mitch, what's been up with you?"

"Whaddya mean, Biggums?" He asked me, making a derpy grin.

"Every time I kiss your face, you stutter and refuse to look me in the eyes. Now what's going on?"

He looked up at me and his eyes widened. But then, they immediately returned to normal and he smirked at me. 

"It's a surprise, Jerome. Just relax. Everything is fine."

"Okay, Mitchell." I looked up from staring at my feet and smiled.

"Biggums, you know I think you're sexy when you call me Mitchell."

I laughed and leaned closer to his ear.

"I know....... Mitchell." I playfully bit his ear, got up, and ran out of the room.

*Two days later*

*Mitch's POV*

"Jerome!" I called.

"Coming!" He called back, stumbling down the stairs.

"Slow down! I just wanted to tell you to go get ready because we are going out to dinner."

"I can see that, Sir Mitchell. I'll be right back." He kissed me on the cheek and ran back up the stairs. I chuckled at his remark about the suit I was wearing. It was a nice suit, but not very fancy.

Moments later, Jerome came back down the stairs in a suit, almost identical to the one I was wearing.

"Aww, look! They're twinning!" I heard Ty say from the doorway of his and Adam's bedroom.

"Have fun at your dinner, guys!" Adam called down to us, winking at me.

"Oh, don't worry. We will most definitely have fun." I said, winking back. I grabbed Jerome's hand and walked out the door, grabbing my keys, wallet and phone.

*Time skip to middle-end of dinner*

*Jerome's POV*

Mitch has been nervous all night, but I don't know why. He kept putting his hand in his pocket and looking down. He's probably just checking his phone. I thought.

I looked at him and smiled. He became less nervous when I did that, but tensed up when I asked him why he kept looking down at his pocket.

"Uumm.....uh, I..... Uh...."

"Mitch, just tell me! I'm your boyfriend for crying out loud!" He tensed up again and got up from the table, walking towards me. I stayed seated and faced him. I watched as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small box.

"Jerome, you've been asking me why I was nervous these past few days, and this is why. I wanted to make this perfect and make sure you didn't have a clue what was going on. So, on Saturday, I went and picked this out." He smiled, opening the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. I put my hands on my face as I started to tear up. "Biggums, I've loved you my entire life, and when we got together, I couldn't have been happier. And I can't wait to be this happy with you for the rest of my life. So, Jerome Aceti, will you marry me?"

At this point, I was bawling.

*Mitch's POV*

"..So, Jerome Aceti, will you marry me?"

At this point, he was bawling.

"Yes! Yes, of course Mitch! I love you!" He shouted, practically knocking me over when he got up and hugged me. I kissed him and slid the ring on his left hand. People were cheering and clapping and congratulating us as I paid for dinner and we walked out, hand in hand.


*Ty's POV*

Mitch and Jerome came home a couple hours later.

"Honey, I'm home!" Mitch shouted from the front door. Adam and I ran out into the front hallway and greeted them. Mitch held up Jerome's left hand, still keeping their fingers intertwined. On his rimg finger was a beautiful diamond ring with a silver band. On the back was some writing.

"Mitch, what's this writing?" Jerome asked.

"Oh yeah! I forgot!" He slid the ring off of Jerome's finger and read, "It says: To, Fluffy..... Love, Benja." He put the ring back on Jerome's finger.

"So when is Adam gonna pop the question, Ty?"

I felt Adam's grip around my hand tighten as he tensed up. I looked at him and he calmed down.

"Adam will ask me to marry him when he's ready."

*Adam's POV*

"So when is Adam gonna pop the question, Ty?" Mitch asked and I tensed up. Ty looked at me and I calmed down. I looked at Mitch and thought, "Damnit, Mitch."

I wasn't paying attention to what Ty said because I was thinking. I had a whole week full of things planned for the week, starting on Sunday and ending next Sunday, when I would propose to Ty. He couldn't come with us when we went to buy Jerome's ring, so I took the opportunity to buy one, too.


Yay! People are getting engaged! Sorry for not adding the new characters this chapter, but I will soon. I just thought that this one would be about Adam, Ty, Mitch, and Jerome. But for now, have fun and stay spicy! Bai! Love ya!

P.S. Next chapter, I'm thinking of just skipping out the full week and just putting the first and last days, just because I won't be able to think of all of the days. Sorry, but whatever!

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