Chapter 17

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*Ty's POV*

After driving for an hour, I finally reach my destination. I pull up to a large black fence gate. To the left, there is a speaker. It makes a static cracking sound, signifying that someone is going to speak.

"Hello, who is it?"

"It's Ty. I need to speak to you."

It's silent for a moment, but then the woman on the line speaks again.

"Okay. I will open the gate for you."

"Thanks." I close my window and wait. The gate opens and I drive down the pathway until I get to a small, driveway like, parking lot. I glance at the door and see two people standing there, waiting for me. I park the car and get out.

"Ty! We haven't seen you in so long!" The woman says.

"Yes, Ty! We've missed you!" The man says, shaking my hand.

"Wait. Why were you crying?" She asks, bringing her hands to her face and chest.

"That's why I'm here."

"Well, come in! Come in!" She says.

I walk into the large and stately mansion. I trail my fingers along the all too familiar white walls as I walk down the hallway, eventually arriving at the living room. I remember it well. The couches in the same place. The table and chairs, too. The fireplace on the wall opposite to the couches, a TV above it. The man and woman sit down on the worn out, long, white couch. I sit down on the small recliner to the right of the couch.

"So what do you want to talk to us about, dear?" The woman, my mother, asks.

"Well, it's kind of late to tell you now, but.." I pause and look up at them. "When Angie and I were younger, she used to.. Um... She used to.... Beat me." The looks on there faces, pure shock and horror, are looks I've never seen before. I've only seen then happy and sad and angry. Never horrified or shocked. Not even confused. I clear my throat and continue. "She used to beat me and make fun of me. All because I was, or currently am, bisexual.... She told me that I could either love one or the other. Never both. She said it was wrong and she called me names. Horrible names that I do not wish to repeat. Ever. And the other day, she called me and told me that she was sorry. But I didn't believe her, I don't believe her. I told her she wasn't going to hurt me or my boyfriend. She told me she wouldn't but I still don't believe her. I hung up and locked myself in my room. Twice. The second time, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do what I hadn't done in years. I had to cut. So I did. They tried to comfort me and tell me to calm down, but I pushed them away. I locked myself in my room for the third time and climbed out the window and left. And now I'm here."

They stared at me. My mother crying her eyes out. My father slightly tearing up while hugging my mother.

"Tyler, why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you!" My mother yelled.

"I couldn't. I was too afraid. I didn't want you guys to hurt Angie, or me. I was afraid."

"Ty, we're your parents and we would've done anything to stop her. But we wouldn't have hurt her. We couldn't have. We love our children to death and we would never be able to forgive ourselves if anything happened to you. And now, we feel guilty that we didn't notice the scars and bruises on your body. We are extremely sorry, Ty." My father said softly. My mother had settled  down so that she was only slightly teary eyed. They got up and hugged me. I hadn't realized that I was heavily crying right now.

"And Ty? You should go back home and talk to-" my father was cut off when there was a buzzing sound, signifying that someone was at the gate.

"I'll get it." I said and waked over to the intercom. "Hello? Who is it?"

"Ty? Oh thank goodness! I thought you wouldn't be here! Let me in, I'm coming to talk to you!"

"Okay." I said, pressing the button to open the gate. Adam's car pulled up into the driveway and he ran to the door. I did too and I opened it as soon as he got to the door. He embraced me in a warm hug and stroked the back of my head.

"Ty, don't ever do that again. I looked everywhere for you, but this was the last place I thought to check. I'm so sorry, Ty. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Adam." I looked up and kissed him.

"Hello, Adam! Nice to see you again!" My mother waved at Adam and he let go of me and went over to say hi to my parents.

"I never would've guessed that Adam was your boyfriend, Ty!" My father said, shaking Adam's hand.

"Actually, we're engaged." I held up my left hand and showed them my ring. My beautiful engagement ring.

"My little boy is engaged! Oh, this is just wonderful! I'm so happy for you two, and I'm so happy we live in a state where this is legal!" My mother chuckled and pulled me and Adam in for a hug.

"Why don't we go sit down and eat? You know, catch up on some stuff!" I suggested and everyone nodded. We went into the kitchen and ate and talked. It was nice. Just like before Angie found out I was bi. It was a nice time back then.


I felt like I did good on this chapter. Next one, I'm thinking of rewinding to after Ty left, but in Adam's POV just because of the cliffhanger in the last chapter. Have fun and stay spicy! Love ya! Bai!

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