Chapter 9 (Revised for Safety)

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I realized that whenever I change to Adam's POV, it says sky instead. But just pretend that it says Adam, ok?

*Adam's POV*

"Haha, you can be such a smart ass sometimes." I smirked and we locked lips. I moved my hands from Ty's hands to around his waist, and he snaked his arms around my neck. This day is just so perfect.

"Shhh! We don't want them to know we are here!" I heard Tyler whisper, and soon after, I felt cold water land on my head and run down my face and back in large splashes.

"YOU GUYS! IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Ty shouted as he flipped his hair out of his face, like a dog would after a bath.

"Oh, shit! RUN!" Quentin screamed and ran off with Tyler, and Ty, not too far behind them. He was carrying a bucket of sand. I rolled my eyes and ran to catch up with them.

*Ty's POV*

I was in the middle of chasing Quentin and Tyler with a bucket full of sand, when I was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"Aaah! What the hell, Adam!" I said, assuming it was my wonderful boyfriend. My assumptions were correct.

"We weren't finished, babe!" Adam said, pecking my nose, almost like a bird. He kissed down the bridge of my nose, stopping at my mouth.

"Come on, Ty. Its getting late. We should probably head home." He said with a wink. I raised my eyebrows and quickly pulled out my phone to text everyone to meet up where we met this morning.


We all got in our cars and drove home. I was anxious to get home in anticipation for tonight.


Adam and I got out of the car and ran into the house.

We got in the house, kicked our shoes off, and immediately starting making out. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around Adam's waist, and he carried me to our bedroom, not even breaking the kiss.

*Time skip for safety reasons*

*Adam's POV*

"I'm going to go take a shower babe. When I come out, you better be in your boxers and in bed." I left a breathless Ty lying on the bed.


As always, have fun and stay spicy!! Love ya! Bai!

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