Chapter 22

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*One Year Later*

*Ty's POV*

"Adam, honey! Come on, we have to leave!" I shouted towards our bedroom. I slid on my jacket and grabbed my keys.


"Mommy, mommy, mommy! Do I get to go too?" Alex, our four year old adopted son said, grabbing onto the end of my jacket and jumping up and down.

"Yes, of course! But, are you ready? Do you have your shoes and jacket on?"

"Yeah!" He giggled and pointed to his feet and pulled on his jacket.

"Hey, Alex! What are you doing, silly!?" Adam said, slipping on his jacket and walking down the stairs.

"I'm going to Grandma's house with you!"

"Okay, come on. Let's get going!" I motioned for them to follow me and headed out the door.

*Skip boring car ride*

"Alright guys, hang on one sec." I pulled up to the large, familiar gate and waited for the speaker to buzz.

"Hello, who is it?" My father asked through the speaker, his voice shaking slightly.

"It's Ty and Adam and Alex."

"Okay, I will open the gate for you." The large black fence gates opened up and I drove down the long driveway, and parked in front of the garage. My father was standing at the door, not in the most suitable condition. His hair was very messy, his eyes were red and puffy and his clothes looked like they hadn't been washed in days.

"Hey, Ty, Adam, Alex! Good to see you!" He gave us all hugs and we went inside.

"Alex, why don't you go play some games with daddy, huh?" I pushed on Alex's back slightly and he grabbed Adam's hand, leading him into the living room.

"So how's mom? Is she okay?" I asked my father.

"She's not doing very well. They said she had another seizure this morning. I just hope she gets better soon."

My mother was in the hospital, because she had a stroke. She was at work so my father wasn't there to notice the signs. But, her coworkers did and they rushed her to the hospital just in time.

"Me too, dad. I would miss her too much."

Ring ring ring

The home phone rang.

"I'll get it, Ty. You go play with your son." He said, patting my back and running to the phone. I walked over into the living room where Adam and Alex were playing connect four.

"I win! I beat you, daddy! I win!" He screamed, jumping up and down.

Adam got up from the floor and hugged me, "How is she doing? Is she okay?"

"She had another seizure this morning. I'm so worried, Adam!" I cried into his shoulder.

"Is grandma gonna be okay?" Alex asked, tugging on my jacket.

"I hope so, kiddo." I ruffled his hair.

"What?!?! No! This can't be! No!" I heard my dad's muffled cries coming from the office. I ran into the office to find my father on the floor, crying.

Shit, no. This can't happen, no. No, no, no, no, no.

"Dad, what's wrong!?"

Please don't tell me that it's what I think it is.

"Your mother, she.....she.....she-"

No. No. No.

"She what?!" I stomped my foot, already expecting the worst.

"She..... She. She didn't make it."


My whole world started spinning and I stumbled backwards into Adam's arms. My face started to dampen with the tears that were dripping from my eyes.

"No. No, no no. No, no, no. NO. THIS CAN'T FUCKING HAPPEN. NO."


I bet you all hate me for this. I regret nothing. NOTHING. Have fun, stay spicy, and enjoy this "cliffhanger". Bai!!!!

(I just realized that I never told you guys that my new story is up!! It's called "My Twisted Life: A CaptainSparklez Fan Fiction" and, as of right now, is on chapter 2!! Chapter 3 is being written. So hold on to your butts!)

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