The Getaway

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3 person POV

Can I not have a peaceful day? Was all Red thought, as he and Blue barely dodged the girl chasing them's blast. Red growled as she started charging again.

"Will she not give up?" Blue asked, as he ducked down to dodge another attack.

"Apparently not." Red said, managing to avoid another series of blasts. Suddenly, he felt a shock of pain in his side. He yelped and fell to his knees.

"Red!" Blue screamed, running over to him. Red's vision blurred as Blue got in front of him and blocked some of the blasts. "Red, are you ok?"

"I don't..." He couldn't finish before Blue got smashed into a wall. Fear raced through him. "Blue?" He called, praying that his friend was ok.

"I'm ok." Red heard Blue called weakly. As Red's vision cleared, he saw Blue slowly rising. Red's eyes widen when he saw Blue's condition. He had a large cut in his side. He was scratched up pretty badly. Red slowly started to get up. He felt his side softly healing. He was able to catch Blue before he hit the ground.

"Blue! Stay with me!" Red slowly started to stand when someone grabbed his arm. He glanced down to see Blue with a concerned look. Red smiled at him as he turned to the girl attacking them.

"Hey! You should have bled out by now! How are you still standing?!" The girl shouted, firing another blast at him. He ducked as it shot past him.

"You have a bad aim." He said with a smirk. He then stepped out of the way of another blast.

"EXCUSE ME!!! I have the best aim in the world!!! Don't define me like that!" The girl screeched, firing another blast. Red ducked again. "You just keep dodging!!"

"I am not. You have a really bad aim if you say that." Red smiled as he dodged another shot. "If anything, I can show you someone who can aim better."

"Try me! There's no one in the world that is better than me!" The girl snickered. Red smiled mischievously.

Blue's POV

All I could do was watch as Red as he faced off with the girl attacking us.


I had to try to keep myself awake just in case he got knocked out. Which was harder than it seemed. I watched as Red smiled mischievously at the girl attacking.

"Ok. I'll try and I'll win." I heard Red say to the girl as he ducked down to dodge another attack. I didn't know what he meant by that, but I soon found out.

Red's POV

I knew that it wouldn't be long before I lost Blue, so I decided to end it there. I reached into a small pocket of my bag and pulled out my trusty gun. I aimed towards her forehead. My vision shifted so that I would only need one shot. I already had this planned, so it was no problem. I then took the shot. The girl moved her head over to dodge it. I wasn't too concerned.

"Ha. That proves it. I have a better aim..."
I knew she was going to say "than you", but she never got there before she collapsed. I just smiled and put my gun back. I then remembered that Blue was hurt and ran over to him.

3 Person POV

Red ran over to where Blue was trying to get up.

"Whoa whoa whoa! I wouldn't do that if..." Red paused as Blue's side started glowing.

"I'm fine, Red, really. I just need to rest." Blue whispered. Red frowned.

"No, you need to stay still so we can get you to-"

"Red, I'm fi-"

"You're bleeding!"

"So? I can take care of myself."

"You tell that to Yellow."

Blue smiled. "No way. I'd rather die than do that." Red sighed and just put his head down. Blue laughed. "What?"

"You do realize that both sides of that comment mean you're dead, right?" Blue paused with confusion as Red tried not to laugh. The two then lost it.

"You want to know something, Red?"


"You're crazy and an idiot."

"I am not!" Red said, frowning. "If anyone's the idiot, it's you."

The two boys laughed. After a while, Blue sighed.

"I don't know what's worse. Being with you or being in Lavender Town."

"Being in Lavender Town. At least with me I won't scare you."

"Hmm, guess you're right. I mean, what's worse than Lavender Town?"


"Maybe for you, but what about me?"


Blue's face fell. "Shut up. Please." Red laughed.

"No way! You can't do anything about it."

The two laughed. After a while, Blue smiled.

"Hey Red..." Blue was cut off by a buzz. Red pulled out his phone and answered it.

"Hello? Hey! What do you-" He paused as the person on the other said something. His eyes widened. "What? You're kidding, right? I mean, it was-" He got quiet again. Then, in a small voice "Yeah. I'll be there. Just- don't do anything that will get you killed, ok?"

After he hung up the call, Blue seemed worried. "Who was that?" Red looked down at the ground.

"My sister. Something's come up." Red glanced up at Blue. "Will you be able to get back to the base?" Blue smiled.

"Yeah." His side stopped glowing, revealing bandages. "I'll make it. You be careful, ok Red?"

Red nodded. "You bet. Take care." Blue nodded as he took off.

Damn it! He thought, wincing as he stood up. I didn't get a chance to ask him my question! He groaned as he watched Red fly away.

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