Boss Fight: Kinda Part 1

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE* WARNING! There will be a little bit of smut. If you don't want to see it... too bad. You have to read to know the whole story.


"What the Hell?" Was the first words out of Yellow's mouth.

The squad was mostly on the ground. Flare and Dandelion were the only people standing.


The flames smashed into a tiny woman. She looked like Red, but taller and was a girl. She smirked.

"Not bad... for a kin of an Excellente..." Dandelion was suddenly behind her. A ball of darkness slammed into the woman. She turned with a grin. "Same for you, Daffo-" She was cut off by a smack in the stomach.

"Kinda!" The three turned to the trio. Shyly snarled. "Fight someone your own size!" Red shuddered as Kinda smiled darkly.

"Try me." She held her hand to the sky.


Red squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the attack. It was quiet. He opened his eyes to see Yellow standing in front of him and Shyly.

"Yellow..." She glanced at him. Her eyes flashed red as she turned to Kinda, her knife at full length. She shot into the air and casted.


The fire twister roared to life, encasing the duo. As the twister dispersed, Yellow put her blade in its sheath. She looked at the people standing and scoffed.

"Let's get camp ready."


The five sat around the fire that Flare had lit. They were trying to find a way to defeat Kinda.

"I thought that I got her." Yellow seemed confused. Shyly shook her head. Red stared at the sky.

"We wish... there's only one reason that she will actually fight us herself..." She glanced at Red. Flare blinked.

"And what's that?" Shyly sighed.

"If Red takes her title..."

"No..." The group turned to Red.

"No? Red... you're the only person she will fight..." He shuddered.

"No... I can't-" Shyly frowned.

"Red you need to... please just-"

"I said no-"

"You're the only one!"

"Leave me alone!" He ran off. Shyly froze.

"Red! I didn't..." She cursed before standing up to go after him. Yellow put a hand on her shoulder.

"I got this one, ok?" Shyly blinked.

"Ok..." Yellow smiled and ran after Red. Red was shivering against a tree. She bit her lip as she sat down next to him. His eyes were misty and red. He wiped his eyes.

"L-leave me alone, Y-yellow..." She wrapped her arms around him.

"No... not until I know that you're ok. And don't say that you are, because you're not." He gazed off.

"B-but..." She grabbed his face and turned it to her, looking into his eyes. He blinked, his face heating up.

"No buts." He frowned, anger flared deep in him.

"I-" He was cut off by her pulling him into a kiss. He froze before relaxing and deepening the kiss. They eventually pulled away. She smiled softly.

"Better?" His face heated up. He nodded faintly.

"Yeah..." She sighed.

"You do know that you're going to have to go fight, right?" He nodded.

"Hey Yellow?" She glanced at him.

"Yeah?" He gulped.

"Do you think you can help me with something?" She nodded.

"Yeah... what do you need?" He leaned over and whispered something in her ear.


Shyly was talking to Flare and Dandelion.

"Wait... so you're the kin of the fire Excellente... and you're the dark Excellente?" The duo nodded.

"And Red's the trans Excellente?" Shyly nodded.

"I hope he forgives me for yelling..." The sound of feet running came towards them. Yellow was giggling as she came to a stop. Red was behind her, his face was red.

"That wasn't cool, Yellow." She smirked.

"Which is better: Lavender Town or that?" His eyes widened. He looked away. "Ok then." Flare sighed.

"What did you do?" She glanced at him.

"She tripped me." Red immediately answered. She smiled.

"Like always." He snarled a bit. Shyly frowned.

"We'll talk later. Goodnight..."

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