
"I just can't believe that was Micheal!" I said to Drew as I stood in the shower And he paced the bathroom.

"Neither can I... But the more and more I think about it, the more I can remember." I could see his silhouette make hand gestures through the curtain.

In case you're lost, that time when his dad pushed him onto the railway track, a 'businessman' Saved his life. It's come into the light now, that that wasn't a businessman.

But Micheal.

All mob members wear the same thing. Black Button-up shirt, black jeans long black coat. Apart from Micheal and Danny who seemed to substitute for a white shirt.

"He... He saved me?" Drew just couldn't comprehend it. 

Like, at all.

"We know Micheal wasn't a traditional gangster and wasn't much like his son. It's weird, you would think Tonie would be Micheal's child and Danny John's."

"You're so right." He scoffed.

I turned off the faucet and asked "can you hand me a towel please?"

"Yeah yeah..." He grabbed one off the railing and handed it to me.

"Thank you..." I said as I got out with it wrapped about me.

"There has to be a reason why she told me this... But isn't it far fetched to say that all three families are tied together?"

"Our whole lives are far fetched." I smiled.

He smiled back and shook his head."


He looked down to my dog tag and held it between his fingers. "But... Micheal...? Of all people?"

"I think there's more than meets eye about him." I said as I watched him hold it.

"Maybe..." He sighed and placed it down.

I kissed his cheek and said "don't stress you're pretty little head about it." Before walking into the bedroom

"I just need a good night sleep." He said as he flopped on the bed.

"That you do. And myself. I have work at 8."

"Till 6? Is that illegal?"

"Ha. I wish. But I'll see you at 12." I lay down next to him.

"Yeah, I know...' he kissed my forehead and placed a strand of hair behind my ear.


I bolted upright in the middle of the night and sweat coated my face.


 What is it about that night that my mind wants me to remember it?

Looked over and saw Emma, still peacefully asleep, her nose twitched slightly.

I smiled and relaxed slightly at her beautiful face. I lay back down and she rolled over, her face to my chest. I held her close and kissed her head gently before trying to sleep...


"I'll see you later sweetie..." Em said quietly as I slowly opened my eyes.

She leant over the bed and kissed my cheek. "Do you have to go?" I kissed her cheek back. "Yes." She placed her finger on my lip and said "not going to work honey." With a smiled.

Saving Emma: The Devils Game. Book 8Where stories live. Discover now