

I know it was meant to be two days of luxury.

And I know we probably shouldn't be breaking into Martha's child hood home again.

Believe you me.

I know.

But alas, there a few things I want to quickly check out.

I whistled quietly as I used my special keys and Emmy asked "so you do carry those around with you?" I saw her raise a brow.

"Maybe." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes as I opened the door.

"So Andrew Kingston. What are we looking for?" She asked as I took her hand in mine.

"Well Emma Elizabeth, we are looking for something very important. Letters."

"More letters?"

"Yep. Anything that can incriminate John. We already found out about his alliance with Miss Lietz, who knows what else is lurking around?"

I pulled on the cord to the attic and I lifted myself up before lifting Emma up.

"Oh! I always forget how strong you are!" She giggled.

I smiled and shook my head in response.

"Alright darlin you know your mother and grandmother better than me so where do we look?"

I assisted her over some boxes and she looked about with a confused expression.

"Okay let's try this trunk...' she gently stood over some more boxes and smoothly moved them out of the way to make space.


We heard it.

The front door.


Emma looked at me wide eyed and I looked over to the wide open shaft.
That makes a hell of a lot of noise.

I walked over to the shaft quietly and heard voices.

"Weird the securities off."

"Yeah... I'm going to check the box outside. Who knows who's been poking around."

I lifted up the hatch door slowly and carefully attempting not to make a sound.


I closed my eyes and sighed relief as I looked to Emma. I carefully approached her and asked "Who has a key?" I whispered.

"Nobody apart from the lawyers of my grandmother's estate." She whispered back, obviously nervous.

I nodded and held her close to my chest.

"What about the attic?" I heard a muffled voice say.

My eyes widened and Emma looked up at me, clutching my t shirt.

"Family emptied it out I suppose." Another voice replied.

"No harm in looking. If I can find it..."


Who could be here?

"John! Someone has tampered with it!"

Emma squealed quietly against my chest as I held her tighter.

"F*ck I knew it! Come on, we need to find who's been here."

Saving Emma: The Devils Game. Book 8Where stories live. Discover now