
"Okay okay I'm coming! But I know self defense!" I Said wearily as I walked to the door that was being pounded on.

"Hope you won't use that on me Princess." Christian walked straight past me after I opened the door.

"Christian! Please! Come in!" I Said as I closed the door.

"What were you doing at Hunters Row last night?" He turned to me.

"Hunters Row?"

"Come on Oceane! Don't act dumb."

"Christian I have no clue what you're on about!" I exclaimed.

"So you guys didn't break into a property yesterday?" He raised a brow.

Uh oh...

"I didn't. No. Flynn may have been present." I folded my arms

"Of course he was! Do you guys know how much sh*t you're in?!"

"Well Christian, when are we not in sh*t?! For God sake, drew just wanted to get into his own house yesterday and now has a broken rib! On top of that!? You've all made Emma infertile!"

"What are you on about?" He shook his head.

"Emma can't have children because of the stress that everything's bought her. Something to do with some kind of amalyse in her system that make it harder to conceive. Emma's worried sick about Drew now he's injured and everyone else? We're just hanging on by a thread." I walked closer to him, glaring.

"So how dare you come into my apartment and tell me how much sh*t we're in. I already know, Christian."

He looked down to me, brow furrowed. "I can't keep on covering for you anymore. It's careless, Oceane and stupid."

"Stupid? Really? What would you do in this situation? Hm? Go on. I would really, really like to know."

"Skip town, no point in trying to be a hero in a state like yours."

"Well we're not like that, if you hadn't already guessed. We're not scared."

He etched closer to me... A darkness in his eyes Ivve never seen in him...

"Well you should be very very scared..."

I released a breath as the front door opened.


I turned and Flynn stopped dead in his tracks followed by Eric.

"Everything alright Oceane?" Eric asked.

"Yeah. Everything's fine. Christian, was just leaving." I turned and glared to him.

And sure as hell, he left.

Eric looked between Flynn and I before saying "You chose him? Over flynn?"

"No. Not exactly. He was... A rebound. Flynn was sleeping around with someone else to." I sighed as I pushed my hair back and went to the kitchen.

"As a rebound!" Flynn said.

"Mmm" I nodded.

"You two must have the most complex couple history ever." Eric scoffed.

"Emma and Drew." Flynn and I said in unison.


"So, for 8 years they were best friends, right?" I said as I sat on the island and Eric nodded.

Saving Emma: The Devils Game. Book 8Where stories live. Discover now