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Throughout my drive to home, that guy's face kept flashing through my mind. I slapped myself twice, thrice,

"What's wrong?", Kim asked

"I dunno, ever since that guy appeared in front of me, I'm losing my mind", I said

"The guy from the BB court, well he sure was hot, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, his body was athletic, I couldn't take my eyes off him"

"Whoa, looks like someone is falling hard for someone"

"But there's no point, he saw Mia and not Ava", I said

After dropping her, I drove towards home. I was exhausted and distracted, that guy just wasn't getting out of my mind

"Get it together Ava, stop it", I said placing my bag on the couch

I went straight to Mia's room, to see how she was doing. She still looked pale and weak,

"Mia, how're you doing?", I asked

"I'm ok sis, but still can't leave the bed", she said in her weak voice. "How did the presentation go?", she asked

"Yeah, it was good", I said not in a very cheerful way

"Ava, you don't sound too happy what's the matter?", she asked

"Mia, I came across a guy today", I said. "Then?", she said with curiosity. "I...ever since I saw him, I dunno...I feel like...a tingling sensation in my stomach. Even when I was driving, his face didn't leave my mind for even a second", I said with a sad face

"Is someone falling in love again", I blushed as she said that. "But, he saw me as Mia and not Ava. He doesn't even know that Ava exists", I said

"Did you guys talk?", she asked. "Well, I shoot the ball and surprised everyone so he kinda asked my name and asked if I was a pro-player", I said. "And, you said?". "I said my name is Mia", I said.

"Ava", she yelled sounding disappointed, "You should've at least given him your name, damn dude", she said

"I...stuttered while talking to him, I was nervous so", I said. "God, you really need to sort out this mess", she said. "First at least go and change, you must be exhausted", she said after yelling at me.

I walked to my room grabbing my clothes and got into the bathroom. I entered the shower and adjusted it to a comfortable temperature. As the shower water touched my face, all the make-up I applied was washed away. I passed my fingers through the wet hair and squeezed the shampoo from the bottle kept by the stand beside the faucet. I rinsed my hair quite a few times to remove the dirt from the scalp. After washing off the shampoo, I squeezed out a little conditioner and applied it to the length of my hair and massaged a little. By that time, I washed I poured my peach body wash on the loofah and applied it to my bare body. After bathing, I washed off the conditioner and turned the shower off. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my hair and I took another towel and wrapped it around my body.

I stood in front of the mirror and wiped it. I saw my face and thought,

"Will I ever see him again, will he ever know Ava existed?", I said in a depressing tone

I walked out of the bathroom, wore my yellow 3/4 Capri and a sleeveless black T-shirt. After that, I removed the towel wrapped around my hair and rubbed my hair to dry it. I took out the hair dryer from my drawer plugged it in and dried my hair. After drying it, I wore my glasses and rolled my hair into a ponytail and left for Mia's room. 

"Hey, what took you so long?", she asked. "Just washed my hair, took a shower", I said. "You look so nice as Ava, anyone would fall for you, maybe even that guy", she said. I smiled sadly, "Yeah, only if I ever meet him again", I said

"Um...I dunno whether it's a piece of good news or not, but Kim just called", she said. "And, what did she say?", I asked. "She said that the professor was gonna announce the results by tomorrow afternoon", she said. "Yeah so?", I asked. "You what it means?", she said puzzling me again.

"Wait wait wait, are you saying that...", she cut me in between, "You have to be Mia again tomorrow and by any chance, you might meet the guy again and this time tell him who you are, ok?", she said.

"Maybe", I said doubtfully

That night passed somehow. It was morning, and we all were on the breakfast table except Mia. She was still resting. Aunt Daphany had made toast and a poached egg for me. I took the fork but kept playing with it instead of eating. I was lost in my thoughts,

"Ava, are you feeling sick honey?", mom asked

"No, ma, I'm fine", I said

"Then eat up Ava", dad said

"Yeah", I said and took a bite of the toast. I drank my juice and then used the fork to eat my egg. I asked Mia what time would the results be announced. She said by 2 pm. I left for my university to attend my classes for that day.

The classes passed quickly, I didn't even realize that it was already 12. Emily had a few classes more but I was done for the day. As I walked towards my car, Lucas appeared in front of me,

"Hey, why is there worry on your beautiful face?", he said

"Hahaha...", I laughed, "Lucas, when will you stop flirting with me?", I asked jokingly

"Well not until you get wooed by me", he said. "Stop kidding okay, I need to go somewhere", I said

"What's wrong Ava, did something happen? You seemed lost today and yesterday you didn't even come", he asked sounding worried. "Lucas, I'll tell both Emily and you after everything's ok, can you wait?", I said

"Of course Ava, I can wait as long as you want me to wait", he said. I smiled and left. 

On the way to Mia's university, I stopped in a clothing shop and used the trial room to dress up like Mia. By the time I left the shop, it was only 1 so I had almost an hour. I drove to the university and found Kim by the gate. She took me to the place where Mia and Kim usually sat. As we were talking I heard a familiar voice from behind me,

"We meet again pro-player", the voice said

I turned towards him feeling butterflies in my stomach already. He smiled at me. 

"Hi", he said

Kim thought it's better to give us privacy and walked away. As I was about to follow her, he said,

"Are you gonna run away again, am I that bad?", he asked

Now should I tell you, you're far from bad, you've been wandering in my head since yesterday. How could you be bad?


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