A Day Together

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My phone's ringtone woke me up. I got up in Adrian's arms. I didn't move much so that he wouldn't wake up. I grabbed my phone and saw it was Mia calling,

"Hello", I said

"Hey, we reached Aunt's home", she said

"Hmm...cool enjoy", I said in a low voice

"What's wrong with your voice, you're ok?", she said

"No, I was just sleeping, your call woke me up", I said

"Oh ok, I'll hang up then", she said and hung up the phone

I kept the phone beside and went back into his arms. He pulled me closer and wrapped his hands around my waist. I saw the time, it was 1 pm. 

"Hey, you hungry?", I whispered in his ears."Yeah", he said in his sleep. "What do you want?", I asked. He pulled me closer and said, "You". I moved closer to him as he wrapped me even closer against his body. His warm embrace made me feel so safe and protected, 

"I love you", I said looking at his face. He opened his eyes a little and looked at me, he kissed my forehead, "I love you too Ava". I fell asleep in his arms.

A few hours later, I woke up again. This time I saw that Adrian was already awake lying down beside me. He still wasn't wearing his shirt. "Aren't you gonna wear your shirt?", I asked him. "No, I will wear it after round two", he said coming closer to me. 

"Shut up", I said covering his mouth, "I'm hungry...for food", I said getting up from the bed. I wore my orange shirt and buttoned it. I took a pair of black shorts and wore them. I walked towards the kitchen to see if there was any food in the fridge. 

Adrian followed me to the kitchen. I took out the packet of frozen food and put it on a plate. I put it in the oven and switched it on. Adrian came close to me and wrapped his hands around me from behind, "What's cooking?", he asked. "Nothing much, just a few sausages, I'm heating it up", I said and went to take out the sandwich bread. 

"I'll toast them", he said. "Fine but I like it soft", I said. He became busy with the toasts while I took out the juices from the fridge, "Adrian, orange or mixed fruit?", I asked. "Orange baby", he said. 

We prepared our lunch and sat down to eat. The rest of the day passed in just talking and watching movies. I got a call from Emily in the evening. She asked if I and Adrian wanted to hang out tomorrow or not. I told we'll come. I decided to call even Lucas so I invited him too

"Hello", I said. "Hi, wassup", he said. "We're planning to hang out with Emily tomorrow, will you join us?", I asked. "Yeah sure but, why didn't she call me first?", he asked. "I dunno, but I'll see you tomorrow", I said and hung up the call.

"Hey what's up?", he asked. "Let's hang out with my friends tomorrow ok", I said. "Ok sounds fun", he said. Adrian decided he would be staying with me for a few days. He left to get his bags and clothes as I waited for him while watching TV. 

"Should I order some pizza?", I asked myself. It had been a while since I last ate pizza. I called up the pizza house and ordered the pizzas. I was waiting for the pizza and for Adrian. After some time I heard the doorbell. I went to open it and saw Adian standing with his bags. As he bought them inside the doorbell rang again. 

"Must be the pizza", I ran towards the door. I took the food from the delivery boy and closed the door. "Mmm...my pizza", I said happily looking at the boxes. "You ordered pizza?", he asked. "Yup, let's watch something while eating. Just bring the juices, pizza is incomplete without a drink", I said. "Well, we can have juices but, I bought breezer", he said taking out two bottles and put them on the table. 

I opened both the pizza box and the garlic bread. "Wow, what did you order for me?", he asked. "I ordered a barbeque chicken and a double cheese pizza with garlic bread. Let's share", I said taking a slice from the cheese pizza first.

"Mmmm...it's so tasty", he said taking a sip of his breezer. "I know right", I said biting the crust of the pizza. I put on an English classic show Mind Your Language, "Do you like comedy?", I asked him. "Yeah sure", he said and I started playing that show.

As the show started, we were laughing until tears came out of our eyes. I didn't even realize that I ate all the garlic bread. The cheese pizza was over so we opened the barbeque chicken pizza. We kept watching the show until late at night. 

Finally, when our food was over, I looked at the time, it was already 11 pm. We switched off the TV and cleaned up the table. We decided to sleep in the guestroom. We walked towards the room and climbed the bed. Adrian switched off the lights and lay down beside me. 

I suddenly thought I should call Mia and so I did. I called her and informed her that I ate and was fine. Even she told me that they were enjoying a lot and everyone was asking why didn't I come. After a few minutes, I hung up the call and kept the phone on the stand. 

I shifted closer to Adrian and placed my head on his hands, "Good night", I said. "Sweet dreams", he said and we both fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up before Adrian and took a quick shower. After taking the shower I went to the kitchen and got busy preparing breakfast. It was already 9:00 am, I took a few eggs and bread and made french toast. By the time I finished making breakfast, I saw Adrian walking out of the room half awake. 

"Breakfast's ready", I said. "It smells delicious", he said. "Then wash up quickly and come eat", I said and started preparing the plates to eat. After a few minutes, Adrian came looking fresh. As we sat down to eat the toast, my phone rang. It was Emily. 

"Hmm...yeah", I said my mouth stuffed with food. "Where shall we meet?", she asked. "How about the amusement park, it's been quite a long time since we last went?", I said. "Yeah, but it's a little far right?", she asked. "I've got my car hon, so it's settled, I'll pick you up in 30, ok?", I said. "Sounds cool", she said and hung up. 

I texted Lucas,

Av- We're meeting in the amusement park. I'll pick up Emily in 30 and I'll call you after I pick her

Lu- I'll be ready

We ate and I went to my room to dress up. I decided to wear the new grey top I bought last week. I pulled out a pair of black 3/4 jeans to wear under that top. I brushed my hair and made a ponytail. I put my glasses, my black bracelet and walked out of my room. Adrian was already ready so we left. 


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