The Fight

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Emily's POV

Lucas dropped everyone and finally, we went towards my house. There was an awkward silence between us. Finally, I reached home. As he drove inside, I wanted to tell him something, 

"Um...hey, I...I actually wanted to say something", I said. "What is it?", he said looking nervous. " answer is yes". "Huh???". "You asked me right, I should give you a chance, so...yes, let's date", I said smiling.

His face lit up in happiness, it felt as if he wanted to say something but couldn't say in excitement. "I...I...I can't tell you how happy I am, thanks, Emily, thanks for giving me a chance again, thank you so much", he took my hands in his and kissed it. "I love you Emily", he said. I smiled as a tear rolled down my eyes, he hugged me tightly.


A week passed since Zenith's engagement, I still didn't understand how to tell the truth to Adrian. Every day, I felt guilty about not telling him the truth. The only good thing that came out of that day was, my best friends were finally dating. 

"Eat this it's good", Lucas said. "No, I don't feel like it", Emily said. "Shall I bring something else then?". "No, it's ok".

"Uh...guys, I know you guys are dating but...come on I'm alone here", I said feeling upset. "No, babe, you're not...I'm still here for you", she said. "Um...Ava, I know I'm not the right person to ask about this but...have you told him yet?", he asked. "No, Lucas, I...I dunno how to tell him, I'm...I'm scared", I said. 

"Why are you scared, babe? He's the one who cheated on you", she said in anger. "That's what I'm scared about, he...he really loves his brother". "But Ava, he has to know the truth someday, better now than never".

I thought about what they said, so I decided to tell him the truth when we meet today. I texted him immediately,

Av- Hey have something to tell you, let's meet early

Ad- Ava, I've got practice till late today, let's meet up tomorrow ok? I'm really sorry

Av- Fine 

"Shit". I went straight home today. Mia looked a little surprised. "Omg, how come you're here at this time?", she asked. I looked at the clock, it was 3 pm.

"Where's your dear man?", she asked teasing me. "He has practice today", I said in a low voice. "Aww, it's ok, after so many months, we've got the time to talk today', she said and sat next to me happily. 

It was already 8:30 pm. Mia got busy in a call, and my phone started to ring. It was Adrian, I picked up, 

Av- Hello

Ad- I'm sorry

Av- For what?

Ad- I couldn't come today

Av- It's ok, I know you had practice

Ad- But still, you had something to tell right, let's talk now

Av- No, actually, I need to tell you personally, let's meet tomorrow

Ad- Ok. Babe, even I had something to tell you

Av- Yeah???

Ad- Uh...the coach today, he told that I will have to go to New York 

Av- New York??? But...why?

Ad- Um...I think to discuss the next game

Av- So what you're trying to say're gonna play from New York after this?

Ad- Yes babe

Av- OMG Adrian, that's such a huge opportunity, congratulations

Ad- Thanks babe

Av- When are you going?

Ad- Um...I'll have a meeting in a few days, so I'll leave this week

Av- Fine

Ad- But if I get selected, I'll have to go there for at least 3 months

I was a little upset when he said that but I can't stop him from achieving his dream

Av- Of course, it's a big game, but I'm proud of you babe

Ad- Thanks Ava, let's talk tomorrow

He hung up the call. "Whatever happens, I have to tell him tomorrow", I said to myself.


The next day, 

Adrian and I decided to go to the restaurant today. He was gonna come from his practice, so I decided to pick him up. I drove to his house, I walked towards their house and knocked. 

I waited for someone to open the door and, it was Zenith. "Is Adrian home yet?", I asked him rudely. "No, he'll come in some time, what is it?", he asked closing the door and coming out.

"Nothing", I said. "Tell me the truth", he insisted. "How dare you, who the hell are you to question me? It's none of your business". "You're gonna tell him about us right?". "So? He has the right to know the truth". "No, you can't tell him", he said pulling me by my hand.

I slapped him, "How dare you touch me. I will tell him...I'm gonna tell him that you are my ex-boyfriend, you're the guy who cheated on me with someone else, let's see if he still sees you as his big brother", I said warning him.

"WHAT???", Adrian said standing near the gate. Zenith panicked as he saw him. "What? What are you guys talking about?", he asked.

"Will you tell him, or should I?", I asked. "Ava, how could you slap my brother?", he asked. "Adrian, your brother is my ex-boyfriend, the guy I told you about", I said.

"What?", he asked looking surprised, "That's nonsense". "I know, but I dunno why is she lying, Adrian, she's not the right girl for you", he said. "How dare you Zenith, you should be ashamed of yourself to lie in front of your brother?", I asked.

"Ava, leave", Adrian said. I was shocked when he said that, "Adrian you don't believe me?". "I don't believe my brother can do such a thing and, I can't stay with a girl who doesn't respect my family".

"I can't believe Adrian that you wouldn't believe me and think your brother's telling the truth". "Gimme a reason why should I trust you over my brother Ava?", that question felt like someone has stabbed a knife into my heart.

"Adrian, by the time you know the'll be too late", I said as a tear rolled down my eye, "I can't stay with a man who doesn't believe his own girlfriend". "What do you mean?", he asked. 

"I mean I...I break up with you Adrian Adams. From today, you're never gonna see me again. It's goodbye for good", I said and left that place with tears in my eyes.

I called Mia, "It's finished Mia...", I said crying my eyes out, "Everything's over". "Ava...Ava hello, where are you, what are you saying dude, Ava, are you crying? Ava...hello, hello?", I hung up before saying anything and drove away from there.


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