Near End

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Adrian's POV

It was raining heavily and she was standing in the center of the court. This is the moment I had been waiting for, I have to confess to her, I need to tell her my feelings. I started to walk closer to her as I saw her enjoying the rain. She kept dribbling the ball, brushing her wet hair off the face.

I heart was throbbing, I was nervous but I pulled up all the courage and grabbed her hand. Suddenly, as I pulled her towards me, she lost her balance and slipped on the court. She grabbed my sleeve to avoid her fall but I fell along with her. 

I fell over her body so now, I was on top of her. She looked at me innocently with her hazel colored big eyes. I once looked in her eyes, again moved my eyes to her lips. I again looked into her eyes, 

"Adrian...I", before she could say anything else, I kissed her without thinking. I dug my fingers in her hair and pulled her into an even deeper kiss. I could feel those soft lips tasted like strawberry. I moved my fingers from her hair to her ears and cupped her face. I could feel her fingers on my shirt. I parted my lips from hers but I didn't want to.

She looked at me with a confused but sad expression. I decided to get up and helped her get up


As we got up, I distanced myself from him. I couldn't believe what just happened, I was happy he kissed me, my heart was racing but, he didn't know I lied to him. 

"Listen, Ava", he said pulling me closer, "I like you, I like you a lot, I have been crushing on you for months now but...but I didn't have the courage to tell you. Now, I say, Ava, I really like you, please let me date you, please."

He said. I was confused, I didn't understand what to do, how should I tell him, now that he likes me, he might hate me once he sees who I really am. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to run away from there,

"Ava...Ava...listen to me, Ava", he said and started to follow me

I ran as fast as I could. I ran till my legs started to hurt. On the way, I somehow got rid of him. I was totally breathless when I reached home. I ran straight to my room so that no one would notice me. Before Mia could come I got into my bathroom and stripped all my wet clothes. 

I got into the shower and turned the knob. I adjusted the water to a hot temperature. As I kept rubbing my face with my fingers, again and again, his kiss flashed through my mind. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could only feel those lips on mine. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to kiss him again and again.

I pulled the shower curtain and came out. I wore my glasses and looked at myself into the mirror. I was without make-up, in my glasses, I wasn't beautiful now, I was Ava. I was the simple looking nerd, I was Ava. Tears rolled down my eyes as I thought what would happen if Adrian knew who I was.

"He loves the beautiful Mia, not the nerd Ava", I said to myself As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw my phone. 

20 Missed calls, 10 Messages

Ad- Hey, why did you run off like that?

Ad- Ava, please tell me if you like me

Ad- If you don't I promise I will never show my face again

Ad- Please lift my calls, Ava, I'm worried

Ad- Ava, I like you, I really do, please answer my text

Ad- Ava, please tell me if you're ok

Ad- Ava, please let me explain

Ad- That kiss wasn't a joke Ava, it's my feeling for you

Ad- Ava, just tell me you're ok

Ad- Just call me once, please Ava

More tears rolled down my eyes as I read his text. I couldn't lie to him anymore, 

Av- Adrian, please don't text me anymore, I don't want to see you ever again

I texted keeping a stone heart. 

Ad- No Ava, please don't say that. Just give me a chance to explain myself

He said. As I was reading through his texts, Mia walked into the room

"Hey sis...", she stopped when she saw my face, "Ava, Ava what happened? Are you sick, should I call mom?", she panicked. "Mia, it's over", I said and showed her his texts. Mia didn't ask any other question and looked at me, "Mia, it's over", I said and started crying. My sister pulled me into a hug and caressed my back with one hand. I sobbed even more as she kept caressing my back, 

"It's ok sis, I'm right here", she said. I cried till my eyelids felt heavy. Mia, stayed beside me till I fell asleep. 


Adrian's POV

"No, no...why, is she saying like this? How can this be? She cannot ask me to stop contacting her suddenly. Why, why?", I said and angrily threw all my books from the study table.


Two days passed since I texted Adrian. I asked Mia to switch off my phone so that no one could call. I got up from my bed looking like sh***. My hair was untidy, my face looked puffy from crying. Luckily it was a weekend so I didn't have to worry about classes. 

It was Saturday morning so everyone was on the breakfast table. As I sat on the table, Aunt Daphany served big pieces of French Toast on my plate. I smiled slightly looking at it, 

"What's this?", I asked. "This is a special breakfast prepared by your little sister", aunty said. I looked at Mia and smiled in a thank you. I didn't have the courage to face Adrian anymore, I dunno how can I ever see him again. 

"I need to go to the store to get a few things, do you guys need anything?", Mia asked

Everyone including me wrote on a single piece of paper what things we wanted. As Mia got up to leave, I reminded her, "Don't forget your purse Missy", I said and taunted her. 

"Shit yeah, I'll change into better clothes too", saying this she left to go to her room. After 10 minutes she walked down. She wore a red cross looking sleeveless top and black pencil jeans. 

"You're a fashion queen girl", I said...just like Adrian likes. "Well can't deny that, anyway, I'll be back in 30 ok", saying this she left. 

It had been a few minutes she left, suddenly I opened a piece of paper kept on the table and realized it was the list we had written. "That girl forgot the list", I said, "Dad, just call her and tell her to wait near the basketball court", I said that and left wearing my red shorts and flip-flops. 

I ran fast so that she wouldn't go but I didn't know I was gonna see him again and this time, all three of us were gonna be there


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