Is This Love?

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Before you start reading, I want you guys to read the image. It's for all those people who are in love or think that you are in love. Love is the world's most beautiful feelings guys, so if you are in love then don't give up on it. 


How could I say no to a face like that? As much as I looked at him, I realized I wasn't doing good to him by lying to him. As he requested me so much, I decided it wouldn't harm to stay for some more time, 

"Ok, I'll stay", I said. He got excited like a little boy after he gets his candy. We decided to go to the nearby basketball court. 

"You know this is the place where I learned that I love basketball", I said walking inside the court

"I decided to play basketball when I was only 5. My dad taught it to me and my brother", he said

"How come we never met each other before then?", I asked him

"Maybe that's because I moved here 6 months ago but my brother has been staying here from a long time", he said

"So where did you live before?", I asked

"I lived in Hamilton with my mom. My dad stayed here with my brother. At that time, my father wasn't financially stable enough to you know to manage all of us. My mom used to work in Hamilton so I stayed back", he said

"Oh, I'm sorry, so now how many members live with you", I asked

" it's me, my mom, my dad, and my brother. Well another member will join us soon", he said

"Another member?", I said in confusion 

"His fiancee, my brother's gonna get married next year", he said

"Oh wow, that's nice. Congratulations", I said

We kept talking till darkness took over the sky. I looked at my watch and it was 7:30 already. 

"I think it's late, now I have to leave", I said. His smile disappeared but he didn't say anything. "Shall we hang out again?", I said. Brightness lit up his face. I smiled looking at his expression. I said my goodbye to him, he pulled my hand and said, 

"Today was great, thanks to you", he said with a big bright smile on his face

I smiled back and said bye. We walked in opposite directions from the court. I was smiling throughout my walk home. When I finally reached home, I opened the door and saw everyone except Aunt Daphany sitting on the couch and staring at me, 

"Um...hi guys", I said nervously

All of them gave me a deadly stare. 

"Um...what up", I said

"Don't what up us pretending that you don't know what up", Mia said and pulled me to the couch. She pushed me to the touch and all three of them surrounded me, 

"So, who's the guy I heard about from Daphany", dad asked

"Well, he's Adrian", I stuttered

"Where you till now?", mom questioned

"Um...hanging out with him", I said gulping

"And...what's the update?", Mia asked moving closer and closer to me

"That, we're going to hang out again", I said

"Wow that's great", Mia yelled. After she told that, mom and dad moved away from me and left us alone. 

"Tell me, tell me what happened?", she asked

I told everything that happened between us and she screamed in excitement. It felt as if she had gone instead of me.

"That's great, soon there's gonna be a love story between Adrian and Ava", she said

"Snap out of the dream dude, he has to know the truth and let's see what happens after that", I said and walked to my room

"He'll accept you Ava", my sister yelled


Adrian's POV

I reached home after spending the whole day with Ava. Her face, her smile, and her voice wouldn't leave my mind. I don't think I ever smiled as much as I did while I was with her. What is this feeling, is it that I have started to like her?

As I was busy with my thoughts, my brother sat next to me and asked why am I so happy these days. I told him everything about Ava including about our hang out today. As I was talking about her my brother told that I was blushing, well I didn't realize that. After I told him everything, he asked only one question, 

"How did you feel then?", he asked

"I dunno, I felt happy, but this feeling...I...I dunno...I can't find the perfect words to express my feelings. Ever since I met her, I can't get her face, her voice, and her smile out of my mind. I...dunno what's happening to me", I said

A big smile grew on his face when his fiancee appeared from behind him, 

"I think someone is in love", she said

"Jennifer, when did you come?", I said

"Ad, call me Jenny, I'm going to be your sister-in-law after all", she said

"Hey, don't trouble my brother", he said giving her a kiss

"I'm not troubling him, I'm telling the truth. Women know better when men fall in love", she said

Was it true, was I in love?


Mia came up and asked me how was I feeling. 

"I dunno, it's, it's something I never felt while I was with Zenith. I have a happy feeling inside me. You know strangely, even if I was dressed like you, there wasn't a minute when I had to pretend to be you. I felt was me, it was totally me", I said

"Isn't that great? Now only you have to tell him who you are", she said, "And if he really likes you, I don't think his feelings will change with your looks. Trust me sis", she said 

Really, will he really accept me for who I am?


Hey guys, I know this chapter is a little short but I couldn't stop it in a better place. 

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