His Confession

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It had been a few months since I started hanging out with Adrian. Day by day my feelings for him turned deep and so did the fear of telling him the truth. Even though I was now sure that he's not the type of guy to fall for looks but you can't deny that the fear I had was useless. 

I spent nights thinking about him and also hoping that one day, maybe we'll be together as a couple. The lie was eating me day by day. Just when I was thinking about him, his text came, 

Ad- Hey Ava, I've got a match coming up this Saturday and I'm quite nervous. Can you play with me tomorrow in that basketball court? I just wanna warm up with a tough player

Av- Ok sure, what time?

Ad- How about 3 pm tomorrow?

Av- Ok, I'll see you there

I said and kept my phone on the stand. 


Adrian's POV

It has been months since I have spending most of my time with Ava. The way feel about her was clear now, I realized I liked her, I liked her very much. The curiosity that whether she liked me or not was killing me each day but at the same time I was scared, what if she didn't feel the way I felt about her. 

"Adrian, enough already, just tell her how you feel", he said

"I'm scared Zen, what if she doesn't like me?", I said with a worried expression

"Man, you really do like this girl huh?", he said. "Adrian, unless you tell her, how will you know? What if she likes you", he said. "Just tell her brother, tell her", he said

"Fine", I said and sighed

I pulled out my phone and texted her. After seeing her reply I told my brother that I called her to play with me tomorrow. I decided I was gonna tell her how I feel after the game tomorrow. I anyway had a match on Saturday so it was better, that I got rid of this stress.

I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I kept looking at the clock that when it would strike to 3. The day didn't seem to pass, I was stressed, I was nervous, I was scared


The day passed as usual. I was done with my classes and reached home by 2. I didn't get a text from Adrian since morning which was weird. So I texted him myself,

Av- Surprised you haven't texted since morning, I hope everything's ok. I'm home already so might reach early near the court. See you there

Ad- Ok

"Hm...just ok? He's acting weird", I said and left my phone on the couch not thinking much about it. Aunt Daphany prepared my breakfast as I got ready for the class, 

"Um...aunty, it's been so long since you made me pancakes", I said as she poured syrup on them

I dug into my pancakes using the fork and ate relishing it. "Aunty, where's Mia?", I asked. "She left at 9, she said she had a lot of work to do today", she said. I continued to eat. When I checked my schedule with Lucas, I saw I don't have many classes today. I pulled out my phone and texted Adrian, 

Av- I don't have many classes today. I'll be free by 1 pm, so...shall I wait by the court?

Ad- Yes, I'll...see you then...at 1

He said. I finished my food and left for my class


 Adrian's POV

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